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Sam is laying on the floor, the sound of sleeping peacefully. His breathing patterns are even. It took Colby a little bit of a while to make sure Sam is sleeping properly or he would look dead in the morning. He cared about his health and his sleeping patterns keep messing him up.

Sam stirs before he wakes up on a floor, sitting up, rubbing his eyes as getting rid of the blurriness. He looked around his surroundings after he realizes he's spent the night on Colby's floor. He takes a request if he could stay the night and Colby agreed. Sam looks at the bed but it's empty, he continued around for Colby but does not see him.

The blond boy stands up as he started stretching and sighs. He walked out of the room and goes through the hallways looking for the dark violet purple hair boy. Finally, he noticed Colby through the crack of the bathroom his bareback as he clenched and unclenched when taking the same pills that he saw before.

Sam quickly goes back into Colby's room not wanting to get caught spying. He sat down on the boy's bed as he pulled out his phone, turn it on, and saw two missed calls and three text messages from Kat. Sam sighs as he ran his hand through his hair and started feeling kinda bad.

His phone light up when he got a from his best friend. Sam quickly shuts off his phone once Colby comes into his room shirtless. He's not mad or upset with her; he wanted to focus on Colby for a day since he wants to forget about everything that has happened since yesterday. He needs answers as well.

"Hey, Colby?"

"Hm?" Colby hummed as he shuffled around his closet, finding something to wear, he picked a random shirt and walked.

"Why did you take those pills?" Sam doesn't even think about it but asks forcefully, he glances at his phone as his face is empty.

Colby gives him a weird look while he changes his shirt. "Depression." He mumbles.

"But you never have that when we were friends."

"It's just kinda started." Colby shrugs, putting on his daily rings.

Sam stands up as he walked towards him, he doesn't want to overstep but he can't help but keep asking. "Do- Did you ever hurt yourself?" The blond boy hesitates. He gently grabs his hand feels kinda worried about him. He couldn't live right with himself if he knew Colby did and he wasn't there for him.

Colby left up Sam's chin up so he can look at him, glance in his ocean eyes. "No, I didn't." He smiled slightly knowing that Sam still cared about him. He missed him so much and he appreciated that he stay with him after what happened that night. He dropped his arm to his side before it before awkward. "I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. It's just... complicated." He said quietly.

Sam couldn't help but blush on his cheeks praying for Colby didn't notice them. He feels so speechless around him but he doesn't know why. He nods slowly and gave him a small simper and whispered 'ok', chose to let it go.


After breakfast, the two boys sat down on the stools across from each other playing with their phones. Sam couldn't get the video out of his mind, wanting to discuss it with Colby but he didn't want to ruin a perfect morning, since they haven't fought at all. But he knew he could keep it to himself forever, he wants to know if it's true or not.


Colby hummed as he's texting Shea about why he isn't at school but he doesn't tell her about him and Sam fought because he doesn't want her to hurt him when they're figuring it out.

"There's something I need to show you."

"Ok?" Colby is confused as he stands up walking towards him. "What's up?" He feels his heart pounding so fast into his chest for how he nervous is. He watches Sam putting out some video that he has never seen before and then press play.

In the video.

"Evelyn, I want to join your group," Colby said nervously, talking to the most popular girl school.

"Why? What about the blond one you always hanging out with?"

"I'm so sick of Sam!"

"Why? What happens? You seem so happy with him." Eveyln twirls her strawberry blond curly hair with her finger. She has complexity on her face.

"Because." He sighs as he ran his hand into his hair, feeling stressed out. "I feel like I'm not his best friend, I feel like being I'm being captive or something."

"Please! I need to escape because it's the only way for me to stop hanging out with him"

"Ok," She sighs, crossing her arms together. "You're in."

The video end

Colby feels like his heart dropped down as he felt dismayed, he feels like he couldn't breathe. He never talked to Evelyn before in his life. After all, he only talked to Sam because he has social anxiety, back then.

"Wait, let me see you're phone." Colby took his phone after Sam gives it to him. The dark purple-violet hair boy zoomed in to his face in the video with his thumb and his index finger. He looks closely as he studies at the face and thinks. "Sam, who gave you this, and what date was it?"

"Um... It was from Evelyn and it was from September 6th, 2012. Why?"

"That's not me!!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at him weirdly.

"Sam. Someone is pretending to be me and planning to break us up. The face is different when I was young, here I will prove it" He takes out his phone, go to his photo gallery scroll through his photos fast.

"Colby, what's going on?"

"See! Look." Colby put his phone gently on the table next to Sam's, side by side. "My skin ton is kinda two shades off because in my photo I look slightly tan. But in this video, I look kinda pale. Plus, what are the probabilities when the video never shows my appearance?" Colby put the air quotes at the words of 'my' with his fingers.

The more Sam thought about it, the boy who's sitting right next to him could be right. What if Evelyn's minions pretend to be Colby trying to break their friendship up. It makes so much sense. Sam feels like a complete idiot for accusing him of lying. He should have known that the boy is too loyal for lying to the blond boy since Sam always makes him feel happy.

"Colby..." Sam pauses. "I'm so sorry. I-I should have known. I should have known people who is imposer to other people-"

"Sam, it's ok." Colby looks at him, putting his hand on his shoulder. "You didn't know if someone pretending who they are not, is a thing."

Sam nodded although he still feels so bad, he should've come to Colby first before he assumed things. Or being accused of. Sometimes he wishes he could back in time and fix things but he knew it's impossible. He wishes everything is possible. The two boys sit down on the stools with a coffee mug in their hands, chilling and talking. The rivals are no longer rivals because they don't know what they are. They decided to take it slow and find out for themselves.

Words counted: 1264

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