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After school.

"Yo! Hey everyone, listen up," Everyone the boy who has blond hair and green eyes. "Hey, I'm been thinking why not just take a break, let's go out and do something."

"Like what?" Someone said in further away from everyone. If anyone can barely hear then, who's leaning against the wall in the distance.

"Why not just go to movies or something?"

The dark purple-haired boy, leaning against the wall with a guy while he's reading his strict ignoring him. He honestly wants to go home and hang out with Shea and Jake. But at the same time, he can't avoid Joseph forever since he's been working with, past a month or two. Colby told himself, he needs to suck it up and deal with it.

Colby leans back to the wall as he's shutting his eyes, trying to calm his anxiety down since Shea or his mom isn't here. He took a deep breath and let it go.

Everyone is nodding as they agreed. They have been talking about what movie do they want to see and what are they going to do afterward. He opens bright blue eyes once he's calming down.

After a few moments later after they sorted everything out about what movie they wanted to watch. Everyone is gathering their wallets for the tickets, and extra money for snacks and drinks.

They walked outside getting their vehicles. Some people left their cars and some were coming with their friends. They start driving off and exiting the school campus.


Colby is sitting on his motorcycle, taking off his helmet and placing it on the handles. Some people walked in getting their movie tickets and getting some snacks. The dark purple-haired boy, put his hands (with his leather gloves) to his face trying to stay awake. He doesn't sleep that much past few nights for having usual nightmares. He felt so trapped.

He woke up feeling anxious decided to text Shea about he had a nightmare. She asks him if he wants her to come over and he agreed. He doesn't want to wake his mother because he was worried about her mental health. The last thing he wants to do is, his mother seeing him more upset. She has been dealing with the divorce of her husband and it's hard for her to move on with her life.

She's been coming over to her best friend Cindy (Sam's mom) and told her everything about what's going on with her life. Cindy look at her shock and told her why she's hasn't talked to her any sooner. But Lesa (Colby's mom) doesn't want to be a burden, but of course, Cindy told her she's not a burden.

Colby wishes to stop thinking about his father since it's been almost two years and he wants to move on with a happy life. But how did he get a happy life without any nightmares?

Shea arrives in his room, she stepped over to his bed asking if he's alright. He nodded and want her to keep him company for the night. Shea climbed into his bed, laying down. Colby lies down on his side, placing his head on her shoulder and his arm around her small body. She's stayed there playing with his hair for calming him down and soon she falls asleep afterward.

Colby snaps out of his thoughts and realizes everyone is gone. Sighs escape from his lips as he gets off of his motorcycle, and start walking into the movie theater.

Colby stepped into the particular room (after he paid for his ticket) when he saw his classmates talking to their friends waiting for the movie is starting. He looks around and saw the last seat available. Just my luck. He sighs as he thought. Colby walks to the open seat and sits down with the last person he doesn't want to see.

"Why are you late?" Colby looks at him but glances down as fingers fiddle together, should he talk to him? No. They're not even friends, Colby doubts he ever cared.

But does he care on the inside?

"It's nothing Sam," He let out of exhales shakily. "It's nothing... just want to stay out and get some air."

Sam nods and he glanced down, decided he should keep quiet, and don't want to upset him even more, just like what happened the other day. He couldn't understand why he's upset so easily. He's decided to follow Katrina and Corey's orders to keep easy on him.

The lights are slowly turned down, turning into a dark room. The movie is getting started. They have decided and agreed on a horror movie and it's called Wish Upon. Colby heard of it but he thought it's a really good movie. He loves horror/thriller films. As for Sam, not so much.

When the killings and jump scare are about to begin, Sam's body starting tremble, he's not a big fan of scary films. Before they were rivals when they were best friends the brunette and the blond always have some movie nights. Colby knows Sam doesn't like scary movies but he begged him if he could watch one horror movie. After a while, Sam decided and said 'why not'. Colby spoke so many thank you's, he began to start the movie. In the middle of the movie, Colby noticed how scared Sam was and decided to confront him.

The dark purple-haired boy look at the blond. Hold an urge to comfort him and tell him 'it's ok, it's just a movie.' After a few moments later Sam took a deep breath trying to keep his anxiety calm. But it's doesn't do anything. When another jump scare appears out of nowhere, Sam slightly gasped and (without thinking) laid his head on Colby's shoulder as he's closed his eyes.

Colby looked at him in bewilderment, he would tell him to get off, but he chose to let him be. He still remembers the blond hates those types of movies and never has a scary movie night with him again. Just like the good old days. He thought. Colby look down at his lap and glanced at the movie as he thinks.


Later after the movie, the students went back to school, and rehearse some more. Mrs. Moore calls it a night as everyone is packing up and leaving.

Sam walks into the front stage, while he's looking through Julian's lines. He couldn't help but start saying the front of the line on the stage, imagining the faces of tons of audiences.

" 'Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.' "

The teacher, Mrs. Moore hidden behind those curtains eavesdrops, she's admitted he's amazing as Julian. She's chosen to walk away, don't want to interrupt, and let him have some fun for once.

Eventually, Sam stepped out backstage and got his things. "Hey, I thought you left?" Sam looked at Colby once he walked in the backstage.

"I did but I realize I forgot my jacket. I couldn't drive since it's freezing out there. Wait what are you doing here? I thought you left like everyone else?" Colby furrows his eyebrows confused.

"I.. uh.. i-I have used a bathroom and ready to leave." Sam lied boldly. He doesn't want everyone to know what he has been doing. It's no big deal and he's just playing around. But he still feels wrong reading the lines who's not his character.

Colby noticed the stuttering. "Are you sure? Because your acting weird, well you usually are weird but not this weird." He said as he wrapped his arms together exposing his big muscles.

"Yeah, I'm sure!" Sam said in slightly bitter and rolls his eyes

Colby doesn't believe but decides to let it go, not in the mood to start fighting... again. "So anyhow, since it's getting dark. Why not I just take you home?" Sam nods as they begin to walkout

Sam and Colby got on the bike after he offered the blond hair boy handing a helmet. Colby untied his 'drawstring bag', pulled out an extra helmet. He kept it just in case if he forgot it (like always).

He tied it and put the strings around his shoulders. Sam wraps his arms around Colby's waist once the dark purple-haired boy starts his engine and drove off.

Not a big fan of this chapter haha ❤️❤️

words counted: 1427

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