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After school, the dark purple-haired boy walks into the auditorium for practices as he looks around and sees no one is there. He walks backstage and sees the only person in the room that happens to be a certain blond.

He checked his Apple Watch for the time, only 10 more minutes, he's a little early than he's expected. Not looking for spending alone time with his rival when no one's around. "How long have you been waiting?"

Sam looks up at his rival. "Umm... I don't know a few minutes ago?" He rolls his eyes as he continues focusing on his phone.

"I don't even know why you're here, your acting isn't all that great" Colby snaps in sassy.

Sam looking at him from the phone begin to stare at him. He doesn't know why but feels kinda.. hurt? It wouldn't make sense if Sam is a bad actor, he won't get apart.

"I-I'm sorry, there's no reason to say that," Colby said quickly, after that comment he made.

"It's fine."

The students walk in with Mrs. Moore. She took attendance to make sure everyone is there. "Alrighty everyone I need Sam and Colby for the sword fighting scene."

Mrs. Moore gave Sam and Colby instructions on' how to sword fight' the right way. Instead of using props, they using their hand for now so they can't hit each other on purpose or by accident.

Further in the distance, a group of four sitting down next to each other, watching their friends practicing their sword-fighting scene. The group volunteer to see their friends' rehearsals and see how are they doing. They thought about their acting skills is not too bad. Seeing two rivals working on stage together, their plan is going to be easier than they thought.


After hours of practicing and practicing for the sword fight scene, Mrs. Moore announced to everyone to get ready to leave and get sleep for practice tomorrow. Kat, Devyn, Jake, and Corey saying goodbye to their friends and heading home since it's getting late.

"I don't know Colby, I can't trust you guys because you guys can hardly get along," Mrs. Moore sighs as she pitches her fingers to the bridge of her nose.

Colby tries to talk to Mrs.Moore about if they could stay a little longer but she isn't allowing students to stay in school late at night by themselves.

"Please, just please let us stay here so we can practice our sword fighting, just for tonight."

"I don't know you guys."

"We'll try to get along as much as we can," Sam said calmly.

Mrs. Moore sighs. "Fine." She takes out her keys and hands them over to Colby. "Please don't do anything stupid."

"Thank you so much!" Colby grins widely.

"Mhm. And please don't get caught so I don't lose my job," she laughs but still being serious.

"We won't. Promise."

"Ok bye boys and stay out of the props room!" She says as she walks away. After a few moments after she's gone. Colby takes Sam's wrist dragging him to the props room.

"What the hell are we going??"

Colby ignores him as he continues dragging Sam away, the blond rolls his eyes annoyed.

Colby stops walking to a specific door and takes out the keys that Mrs. Moore gave to him unlocking the door. The purple-haired boy opens the door and walks in.

"What is this room?" Sam slowly walks in, looking around the room with so many random things.

"Room filled with props and stuff."

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