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Colby groans, when someone shakes him to wake him up. "Go away! whoever you are." The dark purple-haired grumbling as his voice goes raspy. Putting his pillow under his head, trying to go back to sleep.

"Nooo, you have to wake up. Jake is waiting for you in the car." The voice said continuing shaking him. "Come on, please."

Colby ignored it until he starts to snore softly as the person groans annoying. Pulls out a phone texting Jake that she needs a couple of minutes and he replied 'ok'.

She climbs on his bed, starts jumping until he wakes up. "Wake up, wake up!" Colby groans. Takes out his pillow off his head and turns around on his back. Facing his best friend who grins widely. "Why are you torturing me, Shea."

"Because 1. You did the same thing to me, so revenge.
2. You can't hide in your room forever.
And 3. Jake is waiting for us, so we can go grab some lunch and play arcade."

"Why can't you guys go without me," Colby whined. "It's Saturday. I want my weekends to stay in bed forever."

"Nope. You have been isolated in here in the dark for who knows how long. You need to go out, get some sun, and start spending time with us."

"We missed you Colbs. We wanted the best for you, we can forget after everything happen. Come with us." Shea moves his hair out of his face as she sits next to him.

Colby sighs, rest his chin on her shoulder as he looks at her. "I don't have a choice, do I?" Shea smiling. Making Colby groan annoyingly, stirring position when his head lay on her shoulder. "Fine."

"Thank you! I thought I have to dump a bunch of ice on you."

Colby shoots up and looks at her, giving her a death glare at Shea who's smirking. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me." Shea smile. Climbing off the bed straight out of her clothes. "Go dressed, take your pill and we're heading out," Shea said as she walked out of his room.

Colby sighs. Sitting up as his fingers ran through his bed head, he rubbed his eyes. Colby gets out of his bed. His feet taking to his bathroom, looking in the mirror as he sees himself tired face.

The purple hair turns on his shower to warm water, the group text between Shea and Jake that he needs a couple of minutes to get ready. He put his phone down on the sink counter and stripped out of his clothes as he gets in the shower.

Once he's done, he ruffled his hair with a towel and dried it off. He wrapped his towel around his waist. He opened his medicine cabinet, took his meds as he opens the cap, takes out 2 pills, and close the lids.

He grabs a plastic cup beside his sink, filled it with water, swallowing the pills with it. He brushes his teeth, clutched his phone walking out of his bathroom, walked to his closet, and pick out his outfit.

He changes his clean clothes, put his phone in front of his pocket, and headed out of his room. He ran downstairs as he put his daily rings on. He saw Shea sitting on a barstool. Colby creeps up on her quietly, planning to scare her, he grabbed her with his arms lifted her as she squeals.

"Oh my god! You scared your shit out of me." Shea laughs. He gently places her down on the ground, she playfully smacks him on his chest.

"Sorry I have to." Colby laughs. The purple hair wrapped his arms around her.

"Let's go before Jake leaves us here." Shea giggled.

They walked out of the house. Make sure Colby locked the door before walking to Jake's black Jeep (Wrangler). It's a nice car for the summer without the doors and rooftop.

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