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His body roamed around slightly, his heart pounding so fast that he couldn't breathe. He whispered saying 'nos' and 'stops' regularly. He wants to escape, but he doesn't know-how. He feels so...trapped. Breathing rapidly causes him to sweat, he needs to wake-

The dark violet purple-haired gasps from his lips once his eyes open. He shakily exhales for a moment until he got his breathing under the control. He sighs relief as he realized it's just a nightmare but it felt so... real. Colby couldn't help but feel frightened. So vulnerable.

He ran hands on his face trying his wipe a forbid image in his head and wipe his tears away. The boy didn't know he was crying in his sleep, he hates feeling this way, with the nightmares would be over with.

Colby slowly seat up while the sheets are pooling around his waist. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand to see the time whatever if he wakes up early.

it's 6:20 am.

His school won't start until 7:10 am. The students wouldn't be in class till 7:15 am.

That's plenty of time to take a shower.

He gets out of his bed as his feet take him walking around his room to his bathroom. Sometimes, he takes showers in the morning before school. Clearing his mind, always helps him relax.

Colby puts his phone on his sink, takes a towel from inside the cabinet from beneath the sink. He lays his towel on the hook beside his shower. He turns on the faucet and waiting for the water to be slightly hot, and started getting undressed.

He opens his shower curtain as he steps in and closes it. He standing in the front when he closes his eyes as he feels the water running down his skin, relaxing his tense muscles. Colby ran his hand through his hair making sure the water is everywhere. Is he getting better? Is the nightmares will be over with?

Once Colby was finished, he steps out, grabbed his towel, and starts drying off. He wrapped his towel around his waist before he starts wandering towards the sink. Colby picks up his phone and saw 2 missed calls from Sam.

He before he could press the blond's number; he's getting a call from Sam... again. Colby is confused but decided to answer anyway. "Hello?"

"Wow, you still have the same number."

"Uh... yeah?" Colby was bewildered because Sam hasn't called him in 3 years. "So... what do you want?" He put his on speaker while he's getting dressed.

Sam exhales as he ran his fingers in his hair frustrated. "My car broke down because it doesn't start, I tried turning the ignition on 3 times but it doesn't work. I tried calling my friends if they picked me up but they didn't answer. I'm already running late and doesn't have time to walk there so you're my last hope."

Colby finishes putting on his shirt before he could speak. "I'm your last hope, huh" Colby jokingly teases him for a bit. "If you want to ride for school. You have to beg me for it." He smirks.

"Can you please, please pick me up?" Sam rub his eyes tiredly as he complained impatience "I'm begging you. If I'm late one more time, I'll get a zero."

Colby busts up laughing as he fixes his hair making sure it's alright. "You're such a dork. I'm just messing with you blondie, I'll be there soon." Before he could hang up, he chuckles when he overheard Sam calling him 'dick'.

Colby took his pills, walked out of his bathroom back to his room for getting his stuff ready. He packed his notebooks filled with his homework and books in his backpack and shuts it. He puts the straps on his shoulders while walking downstairs.

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