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Colby lays on his stomach on his bed doing his homework while listening to his music. He decided to keep his grade up but it's not a problem because he is straight A's and B's. He may be has a bad boy image but he's a nerd for studying and school plays.

He picks up his phone once he heard buzzing, Devyn Lundy appears on his screen calling him. He answered and said. "Hello?" he sang jokingly.

"Hey, Colbs. Are you busy today?" Devyn chuckle, sitting down on her swinging chair, slowly rocking back and forth with her feet.

"Just doing some homework and my brain is going to fried if I don't take a break." Colby laughed, put his pencil down, rubbing his temples. Colby rolls on his back.  "Why? What's up?"

"Oh. Kat and I were thinking of you and Sam could go with us and have some pizza." She acknowledged, "If you don't mind bringing Sam comes along."

"Uh..." He hesitates. The last time he went to dinner with Sam is not what he expected after calling him out. He feels like he couldn't go anywhere with Sam without being insulted. He ran his finger through his hair. "Yeah... sure"

"You sure?" She questioned. "Shea told me and Kat about you feeling uncomfortable after Sam made that comment. About being honest." She confessed.

"Mhm." Colby paused. "I know this sounds strange but I don't know why, I feel uncomfortable when Sam mentioned the word of truth and honesty."

"May I ask why? Exactly?"

"Let's just say that Sam is accusing me of lying..." He hesitates whatever he feels like talking about it. He hardly knows the brunette girl but that's no excuse. She is one of his best friends, that's why they invite each other to events. He supposes that she wants to spend time with him because ever since she came to Blue Valley, she has always spent a lot of time with Kat. She wants to repay him for joining his group. "and that's why we stopped being friends. and I promise you guys that I'll tell you soon but... now isn't the time. I hope you understand."

"No, no, no. I completely understand, Colby. It's hard to trust anybody these days in high school."

"Yeah, I've been thinking a lot lately and I figured that I can't avoid him forever." He sighs.

"Sometimes you have to move on from the past behind, and focus on yourself," Devyn said.

"Yeah, that's true. Thanks, Devyn."

"No problem. I'm glad I helped." She chuckled.

"So, how are you and Kat? Are you guys doing well?" Colby smiled brightly.

"Yeah, we're good!" Devyn smiling. "We decided to take things slow."

"Mmm, that's good to hear. Well, I have to go and start getting ready. See you tonight?"

"Yup! See you in the few." She hangs up.

He closes his eyes and thinks while the music is on. He just wishes he could stay in bed forever and skip dinner. But he knew that he couldn't because it's kinda rude to cancel at the very last minute.

Colby doesn't want to be that guy who ditches his friends because of Sam. He doesn't want them to think it's their fault or did something wrong. But they did nothing wrong. But he doesn't know anything yet.

The sea of emotions started to swim in his brain, wishing his emotions just could get out. He hates the way he felt. He hates overthinking things. He wants to escape from his emotions and start over; he just wants to be happy. Besides his mom, hanging out with his friends makes him happy. He needs to enjoy it before his senior year is over.

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