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The dark purple-haired boy stepping out of his class, he's not thrilled since it's Monday and spending the entire week with a blond boy. The arcade is pretty awkward but Colby and Shea have been dodging Sam as much as possible.

Jake has no idea about Colby and Sam's fights, but he still doesn't like him. Jake told them, what the hell is going on and why is Colby look overwhelmed and tense. Colby told him about the fight at the rehearsal and how awkward to see him on weekends. After Colby told Jake about his story he shouldn't involve any people's business.

He walked into a cafeteria, saw his group chattering, eating lunch. After he grabbed his food from the cafeteria and sit down between Shea and Jake.

"Hey Colbs, what's up," Xepher said curiously.

"Hey Xeph, nothing much." Colby greeted, start eating his food.

They remained to talk while they ate their lunches. Colby noticed Devyn has been quiet lately. He remembered that Devyn would explain to him what's going on with Kat, Sam, and Corey's group but... she hasn't said anything. "Hey Dev, do you remember the other day that you're going to explain to me about Sam's group?"

"Oh yeah, I'm so sorry, I forgot! I was planning to text you after the arcade or the next day but I'm so so busy and-"

"Devyn! it's ok, I understand. And besides, we can talk about it right now since we're here."

Devyn sighs, looking at her group of friends looking at her. She takes a deep breath and begins telling everyone how she feeling. "Do you know Katrina? The blue hair girl? Always hanging out with Sam?"

"Yeah, kinda. What about her?" Colby smirked slightly teasing her a little.

"Well...um... we continued hanging out a lot lately recently and I starting to like her. Like a little crush way."

"Why not just ask her out?" Colby smile generally.

"Wait really? Are you sure you ok with that?" Devyn furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him in puzzlement.

"Of course. Just because Sam and I are rivals but don't mean you guys can't be friends from his group." The purple-haired boy gave them a small smile.

"Thanks, Colbs."

"You should ask her now!" Cassie stated. "You guys look so adorable together. Besides me and Kat talked a few times, she seems so cool!"

"Oh, like right now?"

They all nodded smiling at her, they don't seem to mind because they just wanted her to be happy.

"Ok well, I'll be right back, I guess," Devyn said once she gets up from her seat. She heard one of her friends saying 'just take her and no rush'. She couldn't help but giggle as she began walking to Sam and Katrina's table. She's suddenly feeling kinda anxious when everyone is looking at her.

At Sam's table, Katrina laughed at someone's joke and said something really funny and having a great time with her friends. She looks up to her shoulder once she felt a tap, saw a brunette girl.

"Hey... um, Kat? Can I talk to you? In private? Please."

Katrina looks at her best friend who nodded smiling at her, making sure it's ok for talking to her. Katrina smiles back and stands up from her seat. Begin walking away with Devyn.

Tara looks at Sam confusedly. "What is going on?"

Sam's simper. "I think I know."

Tara furrowed her eyebrows kept looking at Sam confused, but just shrugged resuming eating her fries.


The two girls stopped when they end up outside of the hallway. Just a little few steps away from the cafeteria. Katrina was confused when Devyn put her hands on top of her wrist.

Devyn takes a deep breath and lets it out; It's now or never Devyn. it's now or never, she thought. "Katrina, I don't know how to say it, but bear with me, please?"

Katrina nods at the brunette girl letting her continue as she stood there. She told her 'take you're time as long as she needs.'

"Katrina," Devyn gazed at her hazel eyes. "Before I moved here in Blue Valley. I promise myself, I would never fall for anyone because my previous relationships have been very complicated and don't treat me right. But when we spend so much time together and I couldn't help but have feelings for you. I knew you were different and I want to give it a try.. to be with you. Katrina Stuart, would you do the honors to go out with me?"

"Like on a date?"

"Yes." Devyn grinned as she giggled. "Yes. On a date, if you want to?" She blushes shyly.

Katrina stood there, smiling at her widely as she nods. "Yes of course."

Devyn smile. She pulled her close to her as she put her hands on her cheeks when their lips are connected. Katrina smiles through the kiss but she put her hands on the brunette's hips as she kisses her back.

It wasn't sloppy or greedy. It was a passionate and tender kiss between two girls, the sparks ran up in their veins once they connected. Maybe Sam is right.. what if he knew the little brunette girl does have feelings for her and the blue-haired girl should ask her out first?

But either way, they like each other, maybe it's more than that, but they decided they take it slow. The two rivals approve their friendship or relationship as long they are happy.

As I said, the two rivals are not like the other rival from cheesy movies; like bullying/pushing other people or not letting their friends hang one another.

This is real life, both of their friends just want them to be happy even if they're from opposites groups. And they have to feel for each other, their friend's approval, there's honestly nothing stopping them from being happy and together.

I know it's a little short but I decided to have a cute chapter for you guys if you love Devrina. I hope you guys enjoyed ❤️ ☺️

Words counted: 1016

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