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"Alright everyone, I have an announcement to make." Mrs. Moore spoke, everyone, is settling down and listened to her what she has something to say.

"Thank you... Joseph has been part of this play and plays as Julian. But he will no longer be working with us, he has a family emergency. It has something to do with his grandmother, he wants to focus on her until she's getting better. Of course, the show must go on, every main character has an understudy. David as an understudy is now playing as Julian."

Everyone murmured around when a tall with black-haired and brown eyes walked up looking nervous.

"Colby." A purple-haired boy looking at the teacher. "I need you and David to practice the scene that we've been working on."

Colby nods. His head motions a boy coming with him to the front of the stage. David stops in front of Colby, looking through his script. He looks so unprepared. Colby thought.

"Um..what scene are we on?"

"Uh...Scene V. Capulet's orchard."  Colby left his eyebrow. Does he wonder if he pays attention just like everyone else's?

' "W-wilt thou be gone? it is not um.. y-yet near day:-" '

"Wait I-I messed up. Can we start over?"

Colby sighs silencing, nods gesture him continuing. David has been struggling with the scene and keeps messing up. Colby understands that he's nervous because he always feels a little anxious in every role he has. 

Shea always told him 'you got this or 'you're going to kill it, she always told him that take a deep breath and pretend like nobody is watching.

And he did.

He always keeps pushing himself and keeps moving forward until he got it right.

Sam noticed when David messing up and saw Colby walking away getting frustrated. The blond goes over to David decides to help him.

A few moments later, Sam returned after he helped David with lines. "Thank you, Sam, I swear I'm going to lose my mind if that kid messed up one more time." He grumbles

Sam looked at him neutral it's whatever and shrugged it off.


Later that day, Colby wandered around the park getting fresh air, clearing his mind. He takes out his earphones, them in his ears, and connects his phone; he goes to his Spotify, scolds through his Playlist, and click 'We're Not Just Friends' by Parks, Squares, and Alley.

Colby felt a cool breeze against his cheeks, hands were tucked in his hoodie as he looked around his surroundings. He wants to spend time alone, focus on himself, and decide to take a breather.

He closes his eyes for a momentary of time enjoying the perfect weather. It's one of those days when he wants to spend most of his time alone... for himself. Take a break from his phone (besides his music), take a break from Sam, the school play, and everything. It's... soothe him

The park has an Art Gallery and Colby decided to go for looking around. He's not a much art person but he loves to look around, he doesn't have any better things to do (expected hanging out with Shea).

Colby shoves his hands in his coat pockets, and an old beanie on his head. The weather is getting a little bit chilly the past few weeks since it's October. Halloween is getting closer (his favorite time of the year), dressing up at school, spending time with his friends, and eating a lot of candy.

He looking around people's displays with different types of paintings, sculptures, drawings, etc, you name it. He read the paragraph for each painting, what's the story behind it, what their inspiration, and their creativity.

After a few moments later for getting a hot chocolate break, he continues walking around enjoying himself and socializing by himself. Before the 'innocent' happened between the two rivals, Sam is the only friend that he has since Colby is a shy and quiet person. The blond boy is the only friend that he could talk to.

After their friendship has been backfire and mistreated one of the another; He and Shea grew their friendship stronger past three years, his personality somewhat changes. He grew confident, strong, and true of himself.

He sat down on the bench, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. He starts looking around. Momentarily, he spotted a familiar blond boy has a display filled with paintings and drawings. Man, he was kinda glad he doesn't run into him, doesn't make any awkward.

Colby kinda forgot Sam came here every year. Sam is always passionate about art (especially paintings). He normally paints watercolor, colorful splatter paint, Oil painting, and charcoal drawing. But he's not a big fan of digital art, he has nothing against it but it's not his thing.

As for spray paint, he only does spray cans for graffiti but not on canvas. It is a type of art that is used as a form of expressing thoughts, emotions, and messages to people; just like Sam did for Colby in an abandoned warehouse.

He feels someone sitting down next to him.
"Hey, Colby." Snap out of his thoughts.

Colby looks to his left and replied, "Hey, what's up? I thought you couldn't make it?" The purple hair boy laughed as he took out of earphones and turn off his music from his phone.

"Well... I was but I begged my parents to come here, for seeing a beautiful painting."

"Have you found anything interested?"

"Yes! There's an amazing Polynesian tribal design and they told me the history and backgrounds."

"Oh yeah, I just went there not long ago."

"So, have you seen Sam's paintings?

"Kinda, what about them?" Colby looks at her bewildered.

"Nothing," Shea shrugs, gave her a small smile. "There's a spray paint of you and him together... it seems old but it's not that bad. Even though I don't like him but he seems like a good artist"

"I remember that one moment when the first time he brought those spray paints. He starts messing with it. He ends up drawing us. Because he said, it's the only thing he could think of." He chuckles at the memory.

"He told me, he doesn't like the spray paint turns out on the canvas. I told him that I admire it because it's our first portrait together. So... he decided he only used spray cans for graffitis and public places."

Shea nods, understanding why Sam uses the portrait of the two rivals because it's his first experiment using spray paints on canvas. And it's the first and the only picture of them together on the blank canvas. "That's marvelous."

"Yeah..." Colby grins, "It does."

"Do you miss him?" She raised her eyebrows, trying not to smile. Teasing him for a little bit.

"It's hard to believe, huh?" Colby smiled as he giggled. It felt so nice when he opened up with Shea. She's so easy to talk to. "I don't know. Sometimes I pretend to forget everything that happened between me and him, and wish everything back to normal."

"It's okay, Colbs. I understand it's hard to move on from you're childhood best friend. That kinda reminds me of some girl who can't get over her first love." Shea giggled.

"Yeah! Those classics but yet cheesy movies." He laughed. "I'm glad you're here, Shea. If you didn't come to me from the forest, sitting on the tree alone. I didn't have anyone talked to."

Shea smiled at a boy who's sitting right next to her, proud of him for how much he has grown past three years. She doesn't care if he's a little clingy. But she thinks he needs a friend. A friend he could talk to. A friend who helps him with his panic attacks. A friend helps him what's he going through in life.

Words counted: 1317

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