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The next morning.

The lighting was shining through the whole room. Sam sleeping on the bed as he keeps pressing his face into a strange but comfortable posture. His face begins to a slightly scrunched when the bright light making wake up. He sighs wants to continue to fall asleep but he couldn't.

Sam opened his eyes but squinted because of the light. He rubbed his rubbing his eyes until his visions cleared, his eyes looked down. His hand is on someone's bare chest feeling a smooth soft skin. But soon Sam recognized he's laying on top of Colby. That's explained why he heard a heartbeat and he felt forearms around him.

Sam slowly sits up and glances at a familiar face who is still sleeping. His neutral face studying at the boy's pale face; his pink plump lips are apart while he's snoring quietly, his eyelids are glued shut. Sam started to get all awkward because it's obvious this is his first boy-boy thing, it may going to take some getting used to.

He wishes he could stop feeling the whole weird pit of his stomach and his heart beating so fast. Sam wants this relationship could work if those feeling would go away. Maybe it's the best idea if he could talk to someone and hopefully give him advice. He would talk to Colby but he doesn't want him to worry.

Sam slowly but carefully removes Colby's arms off of him trying not to wake him up. He slowly gets out of the bed, not wanting to startle by Colby. Good thing he's a heavy sleeper. He grabs some clothes and sneaks away in the bathroom, closes the door, and decided to take a shower. He wants to clear his mind.

Sam turned on the water until it's warm, he stripped off of his clothes until he's butt naked. Stepping into a shower and closes the curtains. He closes his eyes as he's feeling warm water hitting against his skin while he's relaxing his muscles.


Colby has been awake not too long ago when he felt a bed cold bed and hear a shower running. Colby is on the phone texting Kat and Devyn for thanking them for the help last night. He appreciates everything the help did last night. He has to admit, he feels kinda glad concerning talking to Sam for bringing up the kiss. And decided to take slow to let Sam get some used to it because it's his first boy and boy thing. Colby completely understands what Sam felt like.

Colby put his phone down on a duvet, start looking at the ceiling, started to think. He thought about what's going on all those years and until now.

Thought about how he could be that boy; his best friend stopped bringing friends with him over a stupid rumor, has a cruel father who did horrible things to his son, the next minute his best turned into his rival. His former rival turned into his friend who happens to be his first kiss and now they're laying in bed together.

He has been through so much over the years.

And presently for the longest time, he felt... happy. No father, no more rivals, and now he got his best friend back to his old self. I mean... yeah he's a little bit irritable but that's how he is. Who he is. Colby likes him just the way he is and he doesn't want him to change. Sam's emotions were getting to him once in a while, but he learned how to calm himself down before he could have a breakdown.

Colby gets out of bed, he needs to start to get ready and go home to see his mom and hang out with his brother, Gage, before he goes back to college. His brother is always visiting Colby and his mom on weekends, since college to his house is not so far away. It's only 6 hours but depending on traffics. Colby walked toward his bag, grabbed clean clothes and his meds.

Once Colby is done getting done change his pants. When he was about to put on his clean shirt, he hears a bathroom door unlock and open it. He turned around to see a blond boy walks out with his clothes on. Sam froze once he saw Colby arranging on his shirt.

"Well hey cutie, good morning." He smiles.

"Good morning." Sam blushes. Walking towards his bag, grabbing his brush before quickly rushing back into the bathroom. But he didn't close it because he's letting the steam out.

Colby grabbed and opened the bottle of his meds. Thanks to Devyn for packing his bag. She either remembers about his past or his mother told her for packing his medications. Colby couldn't help but glance at Sam who's standing in front of the mirror while he's drying his beautiful blond hair with a towel.

Sam looks at Colby for a second before he's facing back to the mirror as he's brushing his hair. His face is unreadable don't know how to express any of his emotions but Sam does care about his family, friends, and Colby. Colby. The memories went back in his mind from last night where they're confessing their feelings and making out at 1 am, and Colby decided to goof around afterward.

Sam took his breath away once Colby touches his skin from last night that he never felt before. He had never been touched by a boy before; it's all new to him. Every kiss, touch, date, and who knows maybe more to come. Sam knows that he's not the only person in the world who feels this way.

Maybe he should talk to someone. But he knows someone might help him.

Colby pulled over in Sam's drive away for dropping off him before he went back to his house. The two boys want to spend time with their families before the weekend is over, since their always busy with school, homework, the play. But Sam wants to talk to someone. Someone who might relate to this situation.

Sam gets off of Colby's motorcycle. Put his bag on his shoulder and gave the helmet back to Colby. "Thank you, Colby. I have an amazing time."

"No problem." He took his hand, pulling him closer to him. He leans in kisses him as he put his fingers left up Sam's chin. "I'll see you tomorrow," Colby said once pulled away.

"Yeah. See you." Sam stammered when he's started to blush, hoping he didn't see it. He waved at Colby before he took off.

Sam feels his heartbeat pounding in his chest. Rushing into his house, wishing he could stop feeling this way. He needs to talk to someone about this before he loses his mind. He takes out his phone start dialing someone's number.

"Hello?" Someone said after they picked up.

"Hey, can you come over real quick? This is a kinda emergency."

"I'm on my way."


The blue-haired girl looked at her best friend shocked once after Sam explained to her that he thinks he's not straight. That's exactly why he asked her about her sexuality because he's questioning his.

"I just keep having a weird feeling in my stomach." Sam looks down as his face is unrelated.

"Yeah, it does that."

"How can make it stop?" Sam looks at her curiosity and leans against the wall while he's sitting on the bed.

"There's nothing you can do, Sam," Kat spoke softly. "It might go away somehow until you choose to ignore it. You're new at this which is completely ok."

Sam nods about her suggestion. "How long does it take? For you?"

"About a few weeks. But some people don't have those feelings in their stomachs but you got it after me." Kat giggled at the end, and Sam snickered. "But seriously, everything is going to be ok, it takes time to get used to it."

"Thank you, Kat," Sam whispered, giving her a simper. He sighs as his head is on her shoulder.

"What am I going to do without you?" He said lowly.

Words counted: 1362

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