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Colby walks out of the house on a Saturday morning, the day of the auditions. He doesn't feel like going alone, he needs his best friend right by his side to support him. What if the audition went terrible and he cried off-stage?

The boy walks down across the street after he looked both ways, making sure no cars are coming. He walks to her front patio and knocks on her door. He waits a few more moments... no answer.

She's usually sleeping so he's used to the parents that adored him opening the door. He sighs as he runs his fingers through his violet purple hair and knocks again louder so she could hear it from upstairs.

Again no answer. His hand digs into his jeans pockets and pulls out his keys. Colby takes the spare key Shea gave him a while ago and unlocks the door. Colby opens the door, his icy eyes saw the black and white husky almost shape like a chubby wolf right by the front door.

H walks inside as he shuts the door behind him. He goes on his knees as he pets the dog's head. "Hello Maxxy," He gives him a few little kisses on the top of his head. Colby always adored animals especially Shea's dog, animals always know how to cheer him up.

"Do you want to go outside?" The boy chuckled as he watches Max run around with his tail wagging. He stands up and goes to the backyard as Max follows him behind. Colby opens the door that leads to a backyard cage with fences so he won't escape, whenever he comes to Shea's he typically lets him out since her parents don't and she's upstairs early in the morning. The boy chuckles at Max's silliness as he roams around the yard sniffing everything.

Running upstairs, he walks down the little hallway leading to his best friend's room. He opens the door slowly but as he sees the girl sleeping on her bed as she snores loudly.

He shakes his head as he giggled, walking to the bed. "Shea, it's time to wake up." He shakes her gently.

Shea slightly stirs in her sleep but she continues to sleep. Colby rolls his eyes and begins to shake her, "Come on Shea, wake up!"

"Nooo, go away," She whines as she goes back to sleep.

"Come on! You have to get your ass up and get ready." The boy rolls his eyes as he laughed, she ignores Colby as she tries to sleep.

He climbs on her bed and stans up, starting to jump up and down on it right next to her. "Wake up, wake up!" He drags his words out.

Shea whines as she rolls over onto her back facing her best friend as he smiles widely and falls so he's resting on his knees. "You're so annoying." She runs her hands on her face trying to stay awake.

"Come on Shea, I need you to come with me." He lays down on her bed beside her.

"Why.," Shea frowns as she takes her purple duvet off of her.

"Because you always go to auditions with me, I need you, just in case if I don't get the part." Colby looks at her with his big bright blue eyes and pouts his plump lips.

Shea glares at his face with tired eyes but sighs eventually. "Alright fine, you're so lucky I love you." She gets up from her bed, most friends would be annoyed and call him clingy.

She knows better than that though, Colby's been abandoned by friends before he worries that it will happen again. Once she didn't go to school for a few days and wasn't really on her phone, when she showed up to school Colby was practically crying saying how sorry he was for whatever he did and to please not hate him. He thought her absence was his fault, and better yet thought she was never going to talk to him again.

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