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Later that night

Colby got home after he's dropping off Sam, he took his shoes off. He saw his mother sitting on the couch watching T.V. He walk to his mom and sat next to her. "Hey, momma."

"Hey sweetie, how's practice?" Colby's mom turns the volume down so she can concentrate on her son.

"It's good, we went to the movies for taking a break."

"Really? How was it and what movie did you see?"

Colby chuckled at his mother for keeping asking questions. It's a mother thing, just looking out for her kids making sure they're safe and sound.

"It's 'Wish Upon' it's an okay movie. It wasn't what I expected but it looks good in the trailer than the actual movie." Colby's mother laughed as she shook her head.

"So anyway... I forgot to ask you that.. umm how's dad when you-" he trails off.

"Oh.. uh.. he's shocked but he's doesn't say much. After he signed the papers, he told me that he's not surprised." Colby nods as looking down.

"He's asked about you," Colby shoots up looking at his mother as he is surprised. "He's not surprised that you didn't come with me, he's just wondering if he could see you again."

Colby's bright blue eyes glance down as the tear runs down on his cheek. He's shaking his head. "After not accepting for who I am, I just couldn't imagine if I see him again."

"I know baby, I know. I'm not letting him hurt you again. Me, Gage, Shea, and all of us are here for you. Because we love you very much. You and Gage are the best thing ever happened to me." Colby's mother whispered the last part. She kisses his cheek and she's caressed his cheek.

"Now, why not just get some rest you seem tired." Colby nods lean in kiss her cheek once again.

She told him goodnight. He climbed upstairs to his room, walked in, and shuts the door behind him. He changes out of clothes and gets in his bed.

He looks at the ceiling but couldn't help thinking about what his day has been going. Sam, his father, and everything. He wonders why is the world upon him? He questions what the future holds. Graduation, college, career, and maybe perhaps a family? Kids? He's falling asleep in dreamland.


Colby and Joseph read through the lines. Colby noticed when the boy with green eyes was distracting.

Colby keeps calling Joseph's name. No matter how many times how he has been distracted, they have to redo the lines and start over. Colby just wants the scene done, so he can go home and hang out with Shea and Jake.

Joseph pulls his phone out of his jean pocket after he hears his ringtone. "Hello?" He said as he answers. Colby drops his head backward as boredom. "Oh um.. a-are you sure?"

Colby looks at Joseph somewhat worried. "Ok, I'm on my way." He hung up the phone.

"Is everything ok?"

"I-I'm so sorry, my grandma has a terrible accident and she's lived in a different town from here. I have to go be there for her." Joseph hurries out.

He ran his hand through his hair away from his face. His hands-on is his face trying to keep calm but he doesn't know what to do now. Without Joseph, he couldn't do the sense. So it's not used to staying anyways.

Sam looked over at Colby looking stressed, he couldn't help but he's worried. Stressed causes his anxiety to go up, which it's isn't good for Colby.

"Hey, are you ok?" Sam walks towards Colby as he speaks quietly.

"No! He's always been distracted, he's acting like he's doesn't care or don't take it seriously. We have been redoing that scene so many times and I'm going to lose my mind! Then he got a phone call emergency and walked out."

"Okay okay!" Sam sighs forcefully. "Let me take you someplace."


Cool breeze weather hits against their skin as they walk through the forest. The forest is getting dark since there's not enough sun to shine through their path. The sun is further away from the forest, the two boys never get a chance to go out in the middle of the day besides the weekends. The weekend is the only day they did get off and do their own thing but not the weekdays. The rehearsals are usually over around 6 but the school is over about 3:00.

Once they reach the location Colby scrunch his eyebrows as he is confused. Why did the blond boy send him here? No question ask they continue waking to a building with an open entrance. They always loved exploring abandoned buildings is because of the graffiti. Speaking of graffiti.

"Hey. Hey Sam." He stopped walking once he saw the masterpiece.

"Yeah?" Sam gave him a confused look as he walked towards his rival. "What?"

"Look behind you."


Colby sighs in frustration. He grabbed Sam turned around gently. "This!"

"Ohhh," He stares at the masterpiece. His masterpiece. His fingertips through his artwork, he spends days to finish it...for Colby. "This is seemingly my favorite art that I have ever done." He slightly mumbles when looks at Colby giving him forcefully simper.

Colby nods as he glances around. "I... um... I knew haven't said enough back then. But II appreciated it when you did this for me. Thank you."

"It's cool." He nodded. "I think, we should keep going."

Sam and Colby got on a rooftop after they reach the top of the latter, starting to walk carefully making sure it doesn't break down. The rooftop has a couple of holes when some kids don't understand how old the abandoned building is.

They sit down carefully as they watched a sky mixture of orange and yellow with a little tint with pink. It is quite beautiful actually. Colby closes his eyes, his head tilted back as he enjoys a little breeze against his face.

Colby breaks an awkward but peaceful silence he wants to know why is Sam doing this? Why Sam hasn't started a fight or started to argue all of a sudden? "Why did you bring me here for? We're going to to be trouble for ditching early." He whispered.

"Because Joseph ran out and you seem stressed, so why not just take a break."

"Why do you care?"

Sam sighs as his hand through his hair. "Because believe it or not, I always care about you, even though I don't know how to show it. I mean.. yeah we're rivals and not friends, but I never stopped caring about you. I remember whenever you always get upset or stressed about school. You always come here. Looking at the different colors of sunset because it's always cheering you up."

Colby didn't say anything about Sam caring for him since he doesn't want to ruin the moment for one day, he just wants to get along with him. Just like the old times when they were best friends. Always been two of them. At the dinner last week, he wants to spend one day getting along with Sam, one day without insult. And one day, everything is going back to normal.

This day might be perfect.

Colby looks at the sunset thinking about everything Sam said. Does he want to ask him how come he still care when he doesn't believe him? How come he doesn't start the fight when he causes? But right now, he's just want to enjoy an amazing sunset and enjoying fresh air before going back to their routine.

Words counted: 1281

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