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The next day, Colby pulled up to Sam's driveway for picking him up so they can get breakfast together. Is he waiting for a blond boy, he pulled out his phone telling him that he's arrived. Colby clicked off of his phone, put it in his pocket as he waited for him to come out of the house.

It's 6:10 in the morning, woke up quite early for taking a shower and picking up a certain blond boy for getting some breakfast. He doesn't really like school morning meals but he loves a restaurant with fresh food, so does Sam.

Colby looks at Sam's front porch once he heard a door shut, making him watch Sam walking towards the dark violet-purple-haired boy. The blond boy is wearing his signature leather with a white shirt underneath, black ripped jeans with a nice pair of shoes. To Colby, even though Sam looks badass but he always has cute a body form.

Wait cute? Since when did Colby start admiring him again? He thought those types of feelings went away ever since he and the blond stopped talking. But, why now? He thought it was nice to have his friend back but he never expected his feeling somehow came back all sudden.

"Hey! Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." Sam nodded, as he got on Colby's motorcycle, putting on the extra helmet for safety purposes. Wrapped his arms onto Colby's waist before the dark violet-purple-haired boy drove off.

When they got there, the two boys stepped into the restaurant of Denny's opens 24 hours and serves breakfast all day. Smelling fresh food in the air when people are eating their food makes Sam and Colby hungry.

The host leads them to their table but the booth is made for two people which is perfect for them. The people might think the two boys went on a date but their simple friends just got breakfast before school started. Sam and Colby sit down on the seat across from each other. The host handed them their menus and walked away.

Colby feels his phone vibration, knowing he got a text. He pulled his phone out of his pockets turn it on and saw a text from Shea. He gets on the messaging app to see the full text. He honestly feels so bad because he hasn't told her what's going on with him and Sam. He was planning to tell her but he is so busy with his schoolwork, the play, and spending time with Sam, ever since they get along.

From Shea🦋:
Hey, Colbs. Are we walking to school?"

He ran his hand through his violet hair, thinking how he could tell her that he's hanging out with Sam.

To Shea 🌸:
Actually, can I get a rain check? I'm having
breakfast with Sam at Denny's.

From Shea🦋:
Wait- what? How many chapters do I miss?

To Shea 🌸:
A lot. Look I'll explain later
because it's a very very long story.

From Shea🦋:
Ok. After school?

To Shea 🌸:
Yes, meet me at the

auditorium after school.
Seen at 6:30

"Shit." Colby mumble, putting his phone down and he ran his hands on his face, trying to calm himself down. He honestly couldn't lie to her cause he never lies to his loved ones.

"Hey, are you ok?" Sam assured, looked at him confused.

"Yeah," Colby sighs. "I forgot to tell Shea about me and you are getting along really well."

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