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The sun was shining through a window and light up the whole room while the birds were chirping for a new day. It became a daily thing whenever birds felt chirpy for a brand new day. But not for the little blond boy. Sam is sitting down on Colby's bed while his hand is on his cheek while his elbow is resting on his knew. He's been on like that for an hour as he's thinking about yesterday. Sam hasn't seen him like that ever since the big fight the day before they become friends.

Sam couldn't sleep that much last night when Colby is devastated and seems... broken. It's like his mind was trapped deep down. Sam decided to stay with him and held him for comforting him. He's doesn't want to leave him alone at night when he needed someone. Sam was laying on the bed when his arms around his purple-haired boy, holding him. It took a while for Colby to fall asleep. His mind has a lot of things going on but finally, his mind shuts off when Sam is there for him.

Sam feels like he's hiding something from him. The pills, his emotions, and his mother looking so devastated about something that she feels the same way whenever Colby is feeling. He doesn't know if it's personal. But to Sam, it's none of his business unless Colby is ready to tell him his story. The story that he never knew after Sam is accusing Colby that he never did. Sam honestly wishes he could go back in time and when he never believed Evelyn; Colby would tell him what's going on with his life. But he knew that's not how it works.

Sam decided to get off Colby's bed and start walking downstairs and see how is the purple-haired boy doing. The blond boy stepping into the kitchen and start preparing for himself if he notices Colby still upset something about yesterday. He saw a figure standing in front of the counter, flipping some pancakes on a griddle stovetop. Sam saw the boy's bareback were clenching and unclenching every time he flips the pancakes. Sam tries his hardest not to start a blush.

"Hey, you." Sam looks up at the boy who smiling at him with his white straight teeth. The blond boy notices that he's not upset anymore. He looks so cheery while he's making some breakfast for him and Sam. He wants to ask what happened last night but he chose not to because he doesn't want him to feel sad again. so, he decided just to play along.

"Hey," Sam sitting down on a bar stool as he's watching him putting some food on a plate. "Are you doing ok, last night?"

"Yeah! I'm doing alright." Colby gave a small smile while he handed him a plate of food. Colby is not ready to tell Sam about his dad, he just wants to forget about him and wants to focus on his relationship with Sam and his friends. Maybe someday he will him but not right now. He wants to enjoy his happy life before his dad gets out.

"You know..." Sam takes a bite of a small piece of bacon while he watches Colby sit down in front of him. "You can tell me everything if you ever needed anything."

"You can trust me anything." He said. "I may not be a perfect friend or a role model and have trouble with trustworthiness. But right now, I don't trust anyone but I only trust you and my friends. Because you guys are all I need."

"You can trust me," Sam spoke as he took his hand.

But this time; he's truly meant it. Ever since they think about the past, they admitted that they miss each other. Colby had never seen Sam so devastated before, so he decided to invite him over and spend the night, and discuss the pass later. Colby never knows anymore, besides Sam. The purple-haired boy used to have social anxiety ever since he build his crew.

Colby looks into his ocean eyes as he's searching if there are any more lies but he doesn't find any. Colby knew Sam is being truthful and honest when they are friends. As for Colby, he doesn't know if he wants to be friends with Sam.


Later at school, Sam walked out of his class with Kat and Corey by his side. They didn't pay attention enough in class, since it's too boring and they don't know what's their teacher talking about. Every time a teacher is teaching something, it doesn't go on any tests. Which makes any harder for the students to pass the class without repeating their grades or classes.

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