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Two boys, both popular in school at Blue Vally high school in Kansas. Biggest rivals of the school, but you see it wasn't always that way, they were the closest of friends during childhood. They drifted apart till freshmen year when they found different friend groups. Their friends tried and tried to talk to them about what happened, but neither even muttered a word of it.

He studied all night until 3 a.m. and passed out, to say his back hurts from the position is an understatement. His books and sheets are a complete disaster all over his bed. After one more sigh from Sam, he yanks the blankets from himself, collecting a few books and the homework he knows he'll need, stuffing them in his bag.

His feet make their way across the floor as he goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He makes a grossed-out face when he sees the dark bags and tired-red eyes on his face. He dries his face from the water and walks out of the bathroom, and goes to his closet. He picked out a plain white shirt, a leather jacket, and black ripped skinny jeans with black shoes to match.

He strips out of his clothes and puts them in the hamper to put the clean outfit on. He walks to his full-length mirror, doing a quick look over making sure his outfit is okay, I mean it's nothing extraordinary but eh. He stares at himself, his experiences are hardly ever unreadable. He's not sad nor happy, He's just...emotionless.

He fixes his hair until he's satisfied with a mop on his head. Walking to his bedside table he gently takes his phone from the charger, the screen lights up revealing messages from his best friend, Katrina.

He and Katrina have been through everything together. Sam was even the first one she came out to as lesbian, she was super scared to do so but then she realized she has amazing friends. And they of course supported her endlessly, never once thinking of her differently.

Then the next year when she came out to her parents her mom was okay with it and loved her no matter what, her dad (who is the biggest ass in Sam's mind), left them after. Kat was completely heartbroken seeing as they were so close but hey, everything changes at some point right?

'SAMUEL! CALL ME NOW!!' Sam simper quietly at his best friend being dramatic, like always. He called her number and she picks up immediately her loud tone coming through that second, "Finally!! I thought you never pick up!!" She yells.

"Yeah yeah. So what's up? Why are you freaking out so much??" The blonde was confused. Kat is always telling her best friends about the newest drama, crushes, and everything in between. She has other friends she can talk to but she likes annoying Sam, plus sometimes she can be shy in the group setting.

Kat rolls her eyes and laughs, "So you know my crush Devyn Lundy, right?!?" Devyn Lundy, Kats long term crush, has stunning green eyes and shoulder-length brown hair. She's a little younger than Kat, the blue-haired girl who has had a crush on her since the moment she saw her. Kats reasoning is always that's not only is she beautiful, she's also the sweetest.

"Yeah, what about her??" Even though Sam is the leader of their group he never minded that his friend's crush is from their rival friend group. As long as his friends are happy he doesn't care who they're with, he doesn't know about Colby and his group but hopefully, they think the same.

When Kat first realized her crush she kept it a secret from the group, she was afraid with all the rumors they would think something that wasn't true. Plus they always protected her like a baby sister which of course she appreciates, but it gets annoying after a while.

"Well, last night we hung out at my place to study for a school project that's coming up, right? Well, she said she has something to tell me today after school, and I'm kinda freaking out," Kat answers. If Sam recalls correctly they have mostly the same classes together ever since Devyn moved here from Florida, which was about 6 months ago.

"Ooo, maybe she's gonna ask you out," he determined, even though he doesn't show any emotions but it doesn't mean he doesn't couldn't tease his best friend. He knew they were at her place studying last night seeing as Kat canceled on him to have alone time with Devyn, he doesn't mind studying alone but you better believe he's gonna tease her about it.

"Honestly I have no idea, I'm not sure if she likes girls or not." She doesn't want to bring up the topic to Devyn seeing as it's not her business, if she's straight that's cool they can just be friends and Kat will move on from this crush.

Sam sighs through his nose as he thinking, she might be right. "You can always ask her. Hey, do you want to walk with me to school?" They always walk together seeing as they're next-door neighbors it's just becoming a habit.

"I don't know Sammy, I don't think I should ask her about it because 1, what if it's like awkward after that? And 2, I don't want to seem rude," she sighs leaning back on her couch. "Anyways yeah, of course, meet you there!" They say their goodbyes and hang up.

When he arrives in the kitchen he sees his mom by the stove making breakfast, he walks over to her greeting her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, mom," Sam stately. "Where's dad?" He asks shortly after. His dad is typically at the dining table enjoying his morning coffee.

"Oh, he went to work early to cover for his sick co-worker," Mom explains. "Don't worry he'll be back before dinner," she smiles.

"Okay..." He walks over to the table and sits down at his normal seat. His mom quickly finishes up the food handing him a neatly made plate. "Thanks, Mom!"

Once he finishes his breakfast he stands to wash his dish and thanks to his mom one more time before leaving. He gets to the fence separating his and Kat's house and greets his blue-haired friend as they start their walk to school.


So the first chapter is now complete. It's a little bit boring at first it will get better I promise 😂😂😂

Words counted: 1106

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