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The blond sits at home alone, cooking dinner because his parents are working late tonight, surprisingly they trusted him not to burn the house down but Sam has always been a good cook. Right now Sam is standing in front of his stove stirring his pot while FaceTiming with Kat and Corey.

"Whatcha cooking?" Corey has his phone so close to his face that you can only see his eyes and forehead.

Sam chuckled softly, grabbed his phone switching the camera to show Corey what he's making for dinner.

"Oh my god, Sammy... It looks amazing. Ugh, now I'm hungry as hell."

"You should come over!"

"Ooo we should have a sleepover!" Kat grins.

"Yeah, I'm down. My parents won't be home until late tonight and I don't feel like being home alone." Sam stated quietly.

"I'm on my way right now!!" Corey hangs up to start packing his overnight bag.

Sam's simper at Corey. "So Kat. How are you and Devyn's going? Did you ask her out?"

"We're good but no because I'm way too nervous. What if she rejects me?"

"You'll never know unless you try, I saw the way she looks at you during lunchtime when you're not looking. She likes you."

"I don't know Sam- wait really? When?!"

"Today, but once I caught her staring she noticed and looked away."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"I'm sorry I forgot," Sam looks at her feeling kinda bad for her.

"Sammy! She might have been trying to get my attention for telling me something." Katrina groans.

"I couldn't have told you, all our friends were right there you said you didn't want them to know."

"True." Kat sighs,

"I'm sorry Kat. Forgive me?" Sam looks at her in slightly guilt as he's pouting.

"Yeah, anyways I have to go start packing."

They say goodbyes and hang up. He puts the food in the glass pan, he puts it in the oven, setting the timer.

The blond grabs his phone going upstairs to his room. Sam put 'Panic! At The Disco! At The Disco' as he hooks his phone to the speakers and just dances around the room while he cleans his room, waiting for his friends.

As he's cleaning for some reason the medication that he found in Colby's cabinet pops into his mind. What is it for? What happened to him? Is there a reason? I mean it's not my business but he never got antidepressants when we were best friends, we always told each other everything, He thinks.

It's been a week since he's found those pills and he couldn't help but figure out what the dark purple-haired boy uses it for. Sam shakes off his thoughts and continues cleaning once he's done he hears a doorbell. He turns the music off and walks out of his room, heading downstairs.

"It's open!"

The door opens relieving Katrina and Corey with their bags on their shoulders. They walk through and close the door.

"Hey, Sammy!!"

"Hey! the food is still baking but I have to put it out of the oven and let it cool off for a bit."

"Aw man, do I have to wait that long?" Corey pouts.

"If you want to burn your mouth, be my guess," Sam's simper.

Corey rolls his eyes and sighs in playfully frustration. "Fine!" He drags his words.

Kat giggles and smiles," Anyways where do we put our bags?"

"Um, in the guess rooms downstairs."

"Okay cool!" Katrina and Corey run downstairs to his basement. The basement is completely nice and finished. It has a game/movie room and it has two guest bedrooms and one bathroom.

It's wasn't creepy or haunted, like most. it's nice and completely done for the families to hang out and have holidays in.

Kat and Corey put their bags in their room, they both go back upstairs, sitting on the couch with Sam talking as they wait for food to be done.


Later at night Corey, Sam and Katrina hang out in the basement playing video games, talking, like normal teenagers would do. Sam and Corey play 'Super Smash Bro,' it was a Mario game have to fight each other. Katrina watches them cheering them on here and there.

But abruptly Sam is zoning out as his mind drifts back to Colby. Why he's been thinking about the boy so much he has no idea. He just hopes he's okay.

"Sam!!" Corey waves his hand in front of Sam. "Sam! Kat hand me some water."

Katrina hands Corey a cup of water, Corey splashes Sam's face as Sam snaps out of his thoughts and starts coughing rapidly.

"What the hell Corey??"

"Dude you zoned out and you lost the game. What is going on with you?"

"Yeah, Sam. You always beat Corey," Katrina laughs.

"Hey! Do not!" Corey looks at her inoffensive.

"Anyways, what's up Sammy?" Katrina giggles.

Sam sighs as he runs a hand through his blond hair. "Katrina, do you remember that night I called you when you were at Devyn's and I was at Colby's house?" Sam says without thinking. He forgot Corey was here, it had always been him and Kat. "I'm so sorry Kat, it split out"

"It's ok Sam. Corey knows that I hang out with her."

"Wait, when? How?" Sam looks at his best friends confusing blankly.

"It was a long time ago. It was the first day when you started rehearsing for the school play, I decided to hang out with Corey because I didn't want to bother you because you're so busy. I talked to him about I have feelings for her and I couldn't tell our friends because she's from Colby's friend group. And he decided to keep it a secret."

"I'm sorry Sam. I forgot to tell you." Kat looks at her best friend with guilt on her face. She forgot to tell Sam because she's busy with Jake, Devyn, and Corey for the plan, and she doesn't want to disturb Sam because he's too busy memorizing for the school's play.

"It's ok, Kat. I understand and you're right, we're busy for our own lives."

"So.." Corey said. "Anyways, why are you at Colby's house? I thought you two stop being friends?"

Sam sighs. "We are. My mom and Colby's mom are like best friends. We always had dinner nights but this time it was so awkward since we didn't tell them what happened. So during dinner, I ask them if I could go to the bathroom so I did. I decided to go to Colby's bathroom because I'm nosey," Sam shrugged at the last part. "I called Kat for advice but I went through his medicine cabinet and I found something."

"What is it?" Corey asks sipping his tea.

"I found pills but not any pills, it was antidepressants. I was so confused because he never got antidepressants when we were friends."

"Maybe he had them for a different reason," Katrina shrugs.

"Or something bad happened to him," Corey gives her the side-eye.

"I mean I know we're not friends anymore but I couldn't help but start to worry about him. What should I do?" Even though he's emotionless but he always cares about him and is slightly worried about him.

"I think all you should do is try not to upset him too much if something is very bad with him," Katrina answers.

"And don't mention to him that you saw the pills because it's not your business," Corey adds. "Maybe he will tell you or maybe he won't, it's his choice."

"I hope you guys are right..." Sam mumbles.

I'm so so sorry for the late delay because I've been so busy lately. Right now, my main focus for this book will be done. I hope you guys enjoy it! 🖤🖤

Words Counted: 1307

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