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Mrs. Moore dismiss everyone when they finished practicing for their lines. Colby walking to backstage and packed up his things before he's ready to leave, but Sam noticed a shirt, a dark purple-haired boy is wearing.

At first, the blond doesn't even notice since he's occupied, either talking to Joseph or practicing for his lines. Past few weeks, Sam and Joseph have been talking, Joseph continues to flirt with him but he doesn't know that Sam is straight.

"I remember I gave you that shirt, right before we stop talking. You always said 'the shirt is way too big on me' and you kept it anyways, those were the fun days." Sam's voice is quiet as his lips turn into a simper. Remember the good times that they have. They have been best friends ever since when they were babies. But I guess friendship wasn't lasting very long.

"Yeah. It will stay like that if you weren't being an ass and left!" Colby suddenly clasps.

"It's complicated than that-" Sam shoots a glare as he's daring him but he cuts off.

"How is it complicated, Sam?!" Colby pauses. "Huh?! Tell me! How is it complicated when you suddenly don't believe me? I'm nothing but I'm completely honest with you! I never lie-"

"You always lie-"

"No, I am not Sam! If you truly are my best friend and truly care about me, you should've known that I never lie to you. I never lied because you have always been so kind and respectful to me." Colby's eyes begin watering.

"You're like a brother to me, Sam. Our moms have been best friends for as long as they could remember. We grew up together. But when we first started in high school; you're my only friend at the time, and I never talked to anyone because of how shy I was. When you came to my house and told me in my face that I was a liar." Colby said calmly, tears running down his pale cheeks.

Sam notices Colby's voice sounds like he's about to cry when he realizes he has been hurting him further. He remembered what Kat said to him when he mentioned the pills.

I think you should do is try not to upset him too much if something is very bad with him. He heard Kat's voice repeatedly in his head when he mentioned the pills. "Colby I'm-"

"Save it, I don't want any more pity from you." He shakes his head. He picks up his bag, putting it on his shoulders as he walked away.

Colby exit the school's building, he wipes his tears away with his sleeves from his sweater.

He continues walking to his motorcycle. He put on his helmet on his head, buckle the straps. He swings his leg between his motorcycle, starts his engine, and took off. Leaving the school campus.


Kat walking down on the sidewalk, meeting with Devyn at the coffee shop. The two girls haven't been spending a lot of time together, ever since they almost kissed.

Kat smiled as she giggled when a brunette girl waved at her through the window while she's was smiling. The blue-haired girl walked into the coffee shop, stepped over to her table, and sit down in front of her.

"Hey, I don't know what to get you, so I got you a hot chocolate," Devyn said shyly.

"Thanks!" Kat smiles brightly. "So how are you?" She sipped her hot chocolate.

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