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"I can not believe this! He said that?" Colby lays on his stomach on his bed while FaceTiming Shea. She explains to him every detail about what happened with Sam.

"Yeah! His exact words were 'I care now and I cared then' and he brought up how you were his best friend. And I cut him off saying friends don't leave each other. And he was about to make a lame excuse and I told him I didn't want to hear it."

A boy laughs loudly. "Wow, he said some shit like that to me not too long ago."

"Really? Huh, it's weird that he's been talking to us more lately"

Colby nods, suddenly he hears his mom calling his name. Colby sighs, "Shea my mom is calling me. Wait here?"

Shea nods. "Yeah of course," She smiles lightly.

Colby smiles and puts his phone on mute before leaving the screen. Colby stands up from his bed and walks to his door. He opens his door and climbs down his stairs and sees his mom on the stool waiting for her son.

Colby walks up to her. He kisses her cheek before he sits down on the stool in front of her. "Hey, you need somethin'?"

"Yeah. I want to tell you that Sam and his mom, Cindy, are coming over here for dinner since we haven't done that in a long time," She smiles.

"What why?!" He never told his mom what happened with him and Sam, it's unneeded drama and not anyone's business. All she knows is Sam went from coming over every day to not at all.

"Because it's been such a long time since we have had dinner together. It will be fun like old times!"

"Do we have to?" Colby whines. He doesn't want to face Sam after he told him off at school. He just wants to spend all day without seeing him as many days as possible.

"Yes I already called Cindy and she agreed."

Colby sighs. "Fine," He dragged. Colby rather is with anyone else at dinner than be with Sam on the same roof. But Colby doing this for his mother.

"Oh, what happened between you and Sam? I haven't seen him in a very long time"

"It's complicated," Colby mumbles as he looked down.

"Really? But you guys were so inseparable. You used to go to his house all weekend and he would be here during the weekdays ." She laughs. "I wonder what happened between the two of you?" His mom asked confused.

Colby signs, his cheek resting on his hand. "I don't want to talk about it," He grumbles.

"You can always talk to me, you know that right?"

"Yeah, of course," He whispers. Colby smiles at his mom and stands up from his chair walking to his mother and hugging her tightly. "I love you, momma."

She hugs back. "I love you too baby." She rubs his back before pulling away. "Now go get dressed nicely. They are going to be here at six."

Colby nods. He heads upstairs and enters his room, he goes to his closet pulling out a black t-shirt, very ripped jeans with a white belt, and shoes to match.

Colby strips out of his clothes puts them in the hamper. He puts his pants on zipping them up and buttons them. He throws on the shirt quickly putting on the belt and grabs his chain necklace putting it on.

Colby walks into the bathroom that's connected to his room, he looks in the mirror and starts messing with his hair until he's satisfied with his look.

Colby walks out of his bathroom and suddenly remembers he's still on the phone with Shea.

He mutters 'shit' multiple times while running to his bed. Colby jumps down on his bed and picks up the phone. "Hey, I'm back," He laughs after un-muting it.

𝗔𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗧𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂 ✔ Where stories live. Discover now