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A friend of mine told me this song reminds her of this book, I think this song is perfect for this chapter. If you want, you can listen to this ❤❤

Later that night. The purple-haired boy resting on his bay window and his head leaning against his cold window. His are eyes close as he listens to the heavy rain echoing in his room.

Colby couldn't understand why Sam turns against him and required him as a liar. He has forever been so loyal and honest to Sam, who always be there for Colby whatever he needed him.

Maybe someday he will prove to a blond boy that he's completely innocent. But right now, Colby doesn't want to face him anytime soon. But sometimes he wishes the whole school play would be over.

But the purple-haired boy doesn't want to quit, being an actor is his dream job. If Colby does quit, it wasn't looking good on his college résumé. His college choices are Juilliard and Yale. He could get into 'University of Missouri, Kansas City' so he can stay in Kansas and be with his family. As much as he loves his friends and family he wants to travel to different places. He doesn't want to feel isolated from his hometown.

Colby opened his eyes and take out his phone choosing to text his best friend if she could come over. She always comforts him and tries to calm him down before asking him any questions...making sure he's alright.

To Shea 🌸:
Hey, can you come over, please?

From Shea 🦋
Yeah, of course, see you at 5. 🖤
Seen at 12:45 am

After a few moments later a simple knock before his best friend enter the room and saw Colby with his eyes close and fiddle his fingers. Shea sighs silently, walking over his window and sitting down next to him. She always read him like an open book, knowing if there's something wrong.

"Hey," Shea whispered as she ran her hand through his dark purple hair away from his face. "Are you ok?"

Colby sighs and his head starts to lean over to her shoulder. "I'll be." Colby said quietly, he starts playing with her small hand with his thumb feels the bones underneath as entertainment, she let him do as he desires."I miss the old Sam. The Sam that I knew who always believed me. I'm always so honest with him and he returns me by saying I'm just a liar to him."

"You don't deserve him Colbs if he doesn't believe you, is he your best friend? You deserve so much better than any of this, we all are here for you." Shea said in a quiet voice as she tightly wraps her arms around her best friend's waist.

"I couldn't help but overhear. You and Sam used to be best friends, you guys are inseparable ever since you guys are kids. I just don't understand why can't you make up."

"It's complicated momma, it's just not that simple." Colby frowns and mumbles. He breaks his best friend's grip repositioning his sitting and lays down on his window seat. He lay his head and presses his cheek onto Shea's lap, closing his eyes. Her hand ran through his fluffy hair as she tried to make him relax.

"Can I stay the night Lesa?" Her blue eyes looking at a woman who's leaning against the doorway, she gazes at her son. His eyes were still closed as he looks peaceful and relaxed, trying to escape from the reality.

"Of course you can sweetie, you're always more than welcome to stay here." Lesa smiled slightly and Shea smile back. The mother has always adored Shea and always treated her like a daughter that she never had, Shea feels the same way as a second mother.


A young boy sitting down on a tree, located in the woods. He couldn't go to his favorite spot, because it will always remind him, his best friend.

He doesn't why a particular blond boy doesn't believe Colby, over a random thing.

Sam and Colby have been friends with him since they were babies. It doesn't make any sense that Sam doesn't believe him.

"Hello?" Someone said. "Hey, are you ok up there?"

"I-I don't know if I-I want to talk about it, but I don't want to be a b-burden." Colby stutters since he's a little nervous.

"Your not a burden, it would help if you talk about it." The girl tilts her head frowning. "If you want, you talk to me. I am a good listener."

Colby sighs silently. He looks down at his lap fiddle his fingers. "Ok." He whispers. Colby gestures to her telling her 'it's ok to sit with me.'

A girl put her bag down, next to the same tree and begin to climb up. She sits down on a branch next to him.

"So what's wrong? You seem so upset." She looks at him worried. She always wants to read people like an open book, she may be small but she is also very smart.

"Well um... my best friend and I-I drifted apart." He begins telling a story about everything. How is his ex-best friend who doesn't believe him, how long he and Sam have been friends?

A girl gasps slightly. "I'm so sorry if you don't know anyone, other than you're best friend. He has no reason to accuse you like that. If he is you're a best friend for your whole life, he should've known that you never lie.

Colby sighs slightly. "I try to tell him but he doesn't believe me. No matter how many times I have told him he still doesn't believe me. I wonder if I do something wrong, you know?"

The girl shook her head as she disagreed. "We maybe don't know each but you seemed like a really honest person. You don't deserve someone who treated you like that."

Colby nods slightly. "Yeah I guess," he said. "If y-you don't mind asking but why are you being so nice to me? Even though we just met." He looks down as he mumbles.

She noticed that he's a little shy but anxious. She honestly doesn't care. She's just want to get to know him a little more. But she's doesn't want to pressure him too much. After all, they have just met about like 5 minutes ago, so she decided to keep it slow for now.

"Because no one doesn't deserve to be alone or treated something like that." She had a big heart but she knew he needs a friend that he could trust.

"Thanks," he smiles shyly.

"I'm Shea by the way."

"Cole, but I go by Colby." He said looking at her smiling. "Do you w-wanna hang out s-sometime? As friends of c-course." He glances down as he blushing nervously.

"I would love that." Shea laughs.

Shea looking at Colby still laying on her lap, she's hoping that he's asleep because he has a rough day. She doesn't want to get up and moved him to his bed. She's doesn't want to interrupt him when he finally calms down. Her fingers are resting through his soft and fluffy hair, she couldn't believe how much he changes the past three years.

He looked so different when they first met; he had light brown hair, his personality is always shy, a smile on his face, colorful clothes, no piercing or tattoos.

But she's doesn't mind, to be honest. He wants to dye his hair, have piercings and some tattoos so he can have a fresh start, after everything he's been through.

Shea looks out the outside is dark, the raindrops dripping down on the window as the rain pouring down. She's lean her head on the cold window as she closes her eyes.

Words counted: 1321

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