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Today is the day that everyone has been waiting for. Romeo and Julian's school play. Colby is not thrilled about it because David keeps messing up and he has to kiss him. Mrs. Moore thinks it's a great idea to wait for a kiss on an actual day because she thinks it's a special day and a special moment. But I guess it's not a special day for Colby.

The students keep roaming around putting on makeup from light mirrors. And some were putting on their costumes from the dressing rooms. Most of them were reading their lines through lines as fast as they can. As for Sam and Colby. They are already in their costumes and makeup while they're waiting for their teacher to tell them the play is starting.

Colby watches David keep going to the bathroom every 2 minutes and keep barfing who knows how many times from stress. Colby's face is in a permanent frown from how stressed and how much he's freaking out. He won't know what to do if his love interest would quit and leave. The boy honestly knew that David would do something like that because he seems like an anxious guy.

Sam glanced at his boyfriend who ran his hands through his face trying to calm down and not wanting to jump to any conclusions. His hand on his back starts comforting him. Sam always hates to see Colby having an anxiety attack even though it's the slightest. Colby has always been an anxious person growing up but now, it never goes away anytime soon.

Anxiety or stress is not something going away anytime soon. It may stay longer than you think. Not everyone has anxiety or feels stressed but it's a normal thing and it sucks. Sam, can be stressed about here or there, it depends if something happened to his family or his friends. But he did care about Colby. He's been stressing whenever he found some antidepressant medication because he never had those before.

Right now Sam is stressed because he's trying to help Colby and it's not working. "Hey, Colbs. Don't worry, everything is going to be alright."

"I don't know, babe. You saw David every day at practice. What if he keeps messing up and throws up in front of the audience." Colby said lowly, trying to calm down his anxiety.

"I know the feeling, Colby. If he did mess up, Mrs. Moore will find someone who replaced him."

"I hope so." He laid his head on the wall while he glanced at the blond boy. He looks down when he saw Sam holding his hand while he was trying to cheer him up. He honestly doesn't want to think or try to argue because he doesn't want to jump to conclusions. He just wants to think positively and start trying to have faith in David.

Mrs. Moore called everyone to gein in their place while the narrator is talking in front of the curtains. She looked around to make sure everyone is there except one person. "Where's David?" Everyone is keep skimming around as they muttered random things. "Where is my Julian?! Colby, where is he?"

"The last time I saw him is when he went to the bathroom, puking his guts out twice." Colby is straightforward as he fiddles with his fingertips.

The teacher let out her breath loudly in frustration. She honestly should pick a different guy who plays Julian's understudy but it's too late. She honestly worried because it was very important to her. After all, it's a 3-hour play which she hasn't done before. The principal thinks she couldn't do it but Mrs. Moore has always believed in herself.

David comes out in his normal clothes and Julian's costume in his hands. He handed it to the teacher as he keeps apologizing over and over that he can't do it and he was so sorry before immediately running out. Everyone has been calling him his name but he doesn't listen. David decided not to listen to his parents about what he can or cannot do in his future. He wants to do what makes him feel happy, not his family or anyone. Just him.

One student alrighty ran out, so he can talk to him but it didn't work out. He came in once he told everyone that David not coming back because he's has been forced by his own family. Mrs. Moore remembered Sam's performance of Julian when he was goofing around. She immediately gives the outfit to Sam and says, "Go change right now."

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