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A blond and his best friend walked into the Blue Valley's doors as they saw a group of students talking to their friends and getting ready before their class starts. Popularly is different from Sam and Colby: they never bullied or picked on other students. They want their popularly different from some cheesy movies 'when two popular boys are rivals and picked on or harass other students shoving them against their lockers.'

They stopped by the lockers, Sam leaning against the mental doors taking a glimpse when a couple of students put their stuff in their bags. Everyone doesn't have to fear two rivals knowing their good people. Ocean eyes look at a girl on her phone texting someone. He furrows his eyebrows while tilting his head. "Hey, what's up?"

She looks up at a blond, noticed his eyes filled with curiosity. "Um... just.. texting with Devyn. I just.." she's breathless while shaking her head "couldn't help but think about what she is going to tell me." She ran her fingers through her blue hair. "I couldn't help but feel nervous Sammy."

Sam walks slowly facing her as he comforts her, hands on her shoulders so she can focus on him. "Everything is going to be ok." He's forceful to simper at her to make sure she's going to be ok. "If you ever feel any anxious, just take a deep breath."

"Thank you, Sammy." She whispers, her lips turning into a smile appreciating her blond best friend has always been there for her. She's couldn't imagine if she hasn't met Sam but she glad he came into her life.

"Of course." Another simple simper appears on his face for a friendly gesture. "Hey, I need to get my locker before the warning bell rings. Walk with me?"

"Sure." Kat grins begin to walk down the direction that they needed to go.

They continued walking down the hallway while the students looked at them giving them enough space. Once they reach the location Sam opens his locker door. "So.. do you have any ideas Devyn wanted to tell you?"

"Hm... I don't know exactly but I'll keep you updated." She leans in watching Sam take out his needed books and replacing his unneeded books in his locker.

"You don't have to." Sam shrugged, he's not a big fan of sharing each other crushes because he doesn't want to sound like two teenage girls gossiping about their lives every single day.

But Kat on other hand... "Oh, I wanted to." She giggled. "Besides you are the only one who knows this situation and I'm not ready to tell anyone about Devyn."

Suddenly a warning bell rings, the students had one minute till they headed to class. A boy wishes her good luck on her test and she told him the same thing before they went their separate ways.

The blonde walks into his classroom and sees his friend has a neat man bun placed on top of his head sitting there with a disoriented look. Sam walks towards him and sits down next to him. "Hey, Corey, what's up?"

"Dude! Where were you last night? I called you last night you weren't picked up!"

"Sorry, I turned off my phone so I could focus on studying. Why?" Sam looks at Corey assuredly blankly.

"There was a party last night and I called you to see if you'd want to join me and Aryia!" He frowns, Corey is a party person since he loves to dance. Sometimes whatever he goes to any party, some people challenge him to a 'dance off' for fun.

"Look man I'm sorry but I needed to focus on my studies since my grades are dropping like crazy," Sam sighs through his nose as he mumbles.

"You have to let loose and live a little, Sammy."

"I can't Corey, I have to keep my grades up before my mom kills me." It's true. His parents are always strict on Sam's grades since he falls behind. He decided to study last night so he doesn't want to fail and repeat his junior year.

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