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During lunchtime, Colby and all his friends meet up. He's a little late because the teacher counsel called him down, his schedule for some reason changed. It happens to some people if they have a reason.

He sits down Shea to his left and Jake to his right with the others Xepher, Cassie, Kevin, and Devyn. Cassie looks at him curiously, "Hey, you came here early," she laughs sarcastically.

Colby rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Sorry 'bout that, teacher counsel call me down to their office for schedule change."

"We still have some classes together, right?" Shea looks at him worriedly.

"Yeah, don't worry you're stuck with me, no matter what," He laughs pulling her a side hug.

She rolls her eyes jokingly, "Ok, just making sure," she smiles and pulls away.

"Wait really? I thought you ditched us for smoking again." Cassie giggles shaking her head.

"Nope, not this time." Colby always smoking, it helps him clear his mind after everything happened in his life. His mother doesn't know he's smoking, she would throw a huge fit about it seeing as she always says how bad it is.

Cassie nods and continues talking to Devyn and Xepher. This is the group always but almost together but if it's not you can pretty much guarantee Colby and Shea will be, the two are hardly ever apart.

After the moments of silence from Colby, the group starts to pick up on it. He's just tired, so tired of everything lately. But then Cassie has to break the silence.

"Hey what's wrong? You look so out of it."

"I don't want to talk about it," He mumbles. His hand resting on his cheek doesn't have any energy because he woke up twice this morning. He wishes the nightmare would fade away, he doesn't want to remember the pain. He just wants the forget.

"Come on C, you can always talk to us. We're always here for you and you know that" she says laying her hand on his from across the table.

"I said I don't want to talk about it, please," His voice slightly raises as he harshly takes his hand away.

Shea slightly shakes her head 'stop' at Cassie, Cassie looks at her and nods. Cassie can't help it she's always hated secrets and wants to know what's going on with everyone or else she feels like she did something wrong.

Colby scan around the cafeteria after he heard someone yelling, he saw a boy who's arguing with his girlfriend. He couldn't make out what are they saying in further distance. His icy blue eyes couldn't help but gaze on her who looks so familiar. Wait I know her!

The memory suddenly hits him...


A 15-year-old long hair brunette sits on the couch with a Coke in his hand when he takes a sip. He's decided not to get something with alcohol since he's overage and doesn't want to do something that he regrets. He wants to be careful.

It's been three weeks since Sam left the friendship.
Colby couldn't help but feel a little lonely with the blond boy. He missed him, he felt betrayed and disappointed.

The brunette met a friend after she found him upset and decided to cheer him up. Colby is currently at the party alone. He called her if she wants to go with him; however, a girl's parents won't let her go since she's too young.

The boy walks upstairs for taking a break from the blaring music through the speakers and crowded people. He's feeling a little uneasy so he decided to calm himself down.

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