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The next day, Sam sat down on the chair, his feet are resting right in front of a different seat, texting Kat and Corey while Colby was rehearsing his script with David. It's been two weeks since Colby and David worked together but he's not having it. He is usually so thrilled about going to practice every single day (except for weekends), but now he's is a complete ball of stress.

David keeps screwing up here and there, trying to get everything right. Romeo's role is huge but David doesn't know why he chooses the character if he messes up. His parents want him to be in the play but he doesn't expect a lead role but he wants to impress them.

Colby walked off the stage as he grumbles. He needs to cool off before he gets heated, not looking for any drama anytime soon. He hates to be that guy who takes this play too seriously and complains about every little thing. Colby doesn't want to ruin the play because he wants his résumé for college to be perfect and wants to become a successful acting career.

Sam chuckles slightly when he watches Colby falling into one of the chairs in the front row, he rests his elbow on the armrest and his fingertips on his forehead. During practice, Mrs. Moore told Sam that Tybalt doesn't have too many lines but since he did practice most of it. He decided to stay there and watch the other students' rehearsals. Probably he wants to be there for Colby.

The blond boy gets his things decided to go over there making sure Colby is ok. He sneaks up behind Colby, so he won't startle him.

"Hey..." He sits down right behind Colby.

Colby looks over his shoulder gives him a small smile. "Hey." He whispered. Colby closes his bright eyes as Sam rubs his shoulders trying to soothe down.

"It's going to be fine, and the play will be amazing by the end," Sam said positive encouraging up not wanting him causes more stress than he alrighty is.

Colby just shakes his head but leans into Sam's touch. "I don't know about that," He chuckled silently. "I don't know. At first, I don't like Joseph but... I kind of prefer him over David. Because we always get some stuff done and call it for a day."

"Have you kissed your love interest?" Sam asks as he continues to rub his shoulders.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Colby smile to himself, he responded jokingly.

"No," The blond boy scoffed as he rolled his eyes while he simper. "Just wondering. I thought Mrs. Moore make you practice for the kiss, so it would be perfect."

"No. She usually wants to save the kiss for special moments, because she doesn't want to make things any more awkward." Colby looked at David who's talking with Mrs. Moore, assuming he's practicing with her and taught him a couple of things. "I thought... everything, would be more straightforward every day." He said quietly.

"What can I do to help?"

"It's okay," Colby sighs slightly, sitting up as he turns around facing Sam. "I should get going before I'm late."

"Oh, where's he's heading off to?" Sam confused.

"Well... I have a date tonight." He smiled. Packing his stuff for getting ready.

"Hmm. Do I know this person or..."

"Shea set me up a blind date with her cousin who's visiting in town from California for a week." He put his straps onto his shoulders as he continues. "I don't know why but she told me it would be good for me since I haven't been on a date very long time."

"Oh, well, I hope you have fun." Sam forced a smile.

"Also, thank you for calming me down, I appreciate it." Colby smiled brightly with his straight white teeth before he's walking off.

Sam watches him in neutral reaction, leave out of the auditorium, and can't figure out why his heart burns at hearing that. He should be happy for Colby but he's just not. He wishes he would have stayed and finished their bonding since they got along really well. They don't have the heart to start any arguments for no reason.

He wants Colby to be happy but there is no reason to be upset about this. Although he is still a little flustered by Colby. His smile. His laugh. And his charming looks. Ok, maybe he still has some thinking to do.

Sam's not stupid though, he knows he's feeling jealous that he has a date tonight. Is it possible if he has a crush on him? His best friend happens to know him for his entire life. He knew back when he was thirteen and some girl asked Colby to the dance that he was jealous of. The blond boy always had these feelings just really good at ignoring them, but now that he's starting to question his sexuality he's starting to understand why he's feeling like this.

He thought about going to Google for research but he wants to solve this on his own. It won't be that easy but he could at least try. Sam puts his legs on the armrest, staring at the distance blankly as he keeps questioning and questioning.

So he stays in the practice room for hours just thinking, his phone is suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as he turns it on, he has a text from Colby. He unlocked his phone to read the full message.

From Colby :
Date sucked :/ Should have just stayed so
we could have practiced more 😜

Sam chuckles dryly as he shakes his head, glances forward at the students for taking a break, and talks to their friends as they drink some water. He remembered the very first time he auditions for the play, he couldn't help but feel guilty. Sam knows he should stop thinking about the past but it came back for haunting him. Every time he apologized Colby always told him 'it's ok. Everyone always makes mistakes'

He looks down saw another text from the purple-haired boy.

From Colby :
There's always tomorrow though,
can I pick you up in the morning? :)

Sam's mood is always completely lifted. Even though he's concluding that he has more the friendly feeling he figures he can ignore them like he always has.

Words counted: 1065

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