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Monday, after school.

"Hey, Colby. Can talk to you for a second?" David asked slightly nervous. They're certainly on a 20-minute break for drinking some water and relaxing for a bit.

"Yeah, of course," Colby said softly, he stands up and started walking somewhere privately while David is following him. Colby decided to keep calm and listen to what does he has to say. He stops an empty part of the stage and faces him. "So, what's up?"

"I couldn't help but feel stressed out."

"Oh. How come?" Colby furrows his eyebrows while worrying.

"I don't know... I feel so nervous about the big day." He said. "I think I have stage fright and Julian's is the first big role I have ever done."

"Not to worry about it, you have been doing amazing in the practice when Mrs. Moore teaches you." Colby smiled.

"I don't know, Colby. Thought about quitting, but I don't want to disappoint everyone." David ran his hand on the back of his neck, trying to calm himself down.

"Hey, don't say that." Colby shakes his head. "David, you're not the only one who feels this way."

"Really? I saw you're acting and it's so amazing."

"Thank you." Colby smiled. "I have been nervous about every role I get. I was so close to not auditing for Romeo because his role is way too much for me. And the play is too long. But my best friend told me that 'you can do this. I'm believing in you, if you ever feel nervous, take a deep breath and clear your mind.' So, I did.

David. If you ever feel nervous or stressed, take a deep breath. Everything is going to be alright. You just have to believe in yourself."

"Thank you, Colby. I think I'll try my hardest." David's grin appreciates him for the advice.

"No problem, man. If you have any questions, just let me know. I will be glad to help."

They started walking away back to everyone chilling and waiting for Mrs. Moore to tell them to get back to work.

Sam is in the back of the room reading through lines, but not his own... Julians. He is honestly interested in Julian's lines other than Tybalt's because he loves the romance and the chemistry. He used to love reading books with a cheesy love novel but he stopped because he's not interested anymore, since he grows out of it. Suddenly, he looks up once he feels a tap on his shoulder.

"Sam, do you have a second?" Mrs. Moore said politely.


"I want to ask, why didn't you audition as Julian? You would probably do it well."

"Me and Colby weren't in a good place so I don't want to be his love interest at the time." Sam shrugged.

"I understand," Mrs. Moore. "I couldn't help but notice, you two haven't been fighting lately and you seem so close these days." She grinned.

"Let's just we talked the other day, and we just misunderstood things. Let go of the past and start moving forward." He said, in confidence.

"Well, maybe, next year you should audition for the main role in whatever the next play is." She said with a smile before she walks away.

Sam simper and nods even though he knows he's never going to do that. He's not interested in theater, since it's been stressful and so many responsibilities. Sam wants to do his own thing, like painting. He loves whenever he comes up with a unique and unusual style.

"Hey," Colby walked up to him after finishing his scene and sits next to him. "How are you doing? Are you doing ok?"

"Yeah! Yeah... I'm doing fine. Just doing some reading through the lines." Sam looking at him neutral.

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