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If abuse or anything like that triggers you just know this book contains some

Sam walks out of the school building and quickly sees common heads of purple-haired and jet-black-haired.

Colby is sobbing and has his head on Shea's chest who hugs him tightly, she rubs his arm trying to calm him down. She still doesn't know what happened but she was preparing to ask him once he calmed down.

Shea looks up and regards the blonde looking at her, she shakes her head sadly almost discouraged. She mouths to him 'don't make it any worse.'

Sam nods. His ocean eyes glanced down trying to dodge that his orbs turned into glossed. He honestly doesn't mean to make Colby cry into droplets.

Shea looks down at her best friend trying to make sure he's calming down. "Colby?"

Colby looks up at her with a sniffle. His bright blue eyes are puffy from crying, he has tear stains on down cheeks. He feels so tired and he wants to go home and try to stop crying so much.

Colby hummed in response. He doesn't even want to attempt talking knowing how much his voice cracks after he cries.

"Do you want to spend the night at my house for the weekend?" Shea frowns. She looks at his pale face with red eyes when he was crying, wipes his tears, and moves his hair away from his face exposing his sad eyes.

Colby nods and sniffles the last time. Shea stands up from the ground, she takes out her hand so he can take it. She pulls him up to stand, her arm wrapped around his waist as they begin walking to her place.


"No!! Father stop please," Colby cries. "No get away from me," Colby tries to kick his way away from his dad.

"Shut up bitch!" His father slaps him and knees him in the stomach. His father throws him to the ground and kicks him in the stomach. Police Sirens echo from outside.  'shit' the dad mumbled. He runs out of the room trying to escape before he can run out of the house Gage tackles him to the ground so he can't escape. If he gets out Gage knows he'll just come back and beat on Colby some more.

"Get off of me!!"

"No!! No more abusing my little brother you piece of absolute shit," Gage growls spitting in his face. Police barge in after no one answered the door, they walk over to them pulling Gage off and handcuffing his father.

"You are under arrest for child abuse, you have the right to remain silent." Another Police walk to Colby's mom (who's been standing against the wall as tears ran down her face) and Gage.

"Hello, is it possible for me to talk to the victim about his dad? It would help beat the court against his father and send him off to prison for a long time."

Mom nods, "Upstairs to the right." Her voice cracks.

He walks upstairs to Colby's room. He gently knocks on his door and slowly opens the door so he won't startle the poor boy.

Colby's still shirtless sitting down, on the ground, leaning against his bed and hugging his knees looking down. He doesn't notice the noise of his creaky door, doesn't take in the down of boots against the carpet. He's completely out of it, zoned out.

The police slowly sit down beside the boy with a small grunt. He looks over to him, "Hello."

Colby jumps and looks at the man. His entire body is shaking and his eyes are so heavy all they want to do is drop shut.

"It's okay son, I'm not going to hurt you, try to take a deep breath for me?" He said quickly wanting the brunette to know he means no harm.

Colby nods, taking a deep breath. A few moments later, once he was calm the officer starts questioning him.

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