CHAPTER SIX - The Turning

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In love with Faisal? What nonsense was he spewing?

"Umamah you love the murderous old man!" Abdul was pacing again, with is hand on his head, as though she had done something so unbelievable.

If that was going to make him let things be, then so be it. Let him hold on to the believe. She was not going to correct him.

Except on one thing! His constant referral to Faisal as an old man. She could tolerate the murderer part. It was an infamous rumour but the age referral was beginning to irritate her.

"Just so you know, Faisal is not even twice your age. He is just thirty-nine, and he does not even look it."

Abdul just stared at her. But for the moonlight, she would not have been able to make out even his shadow.

"Does he know where you are?"

There was a menacing way to which he asked the question that crept fear into Umamah's heart. "Yes!" she lied and it felt good. "He dropped me off and should be coming back for me, anytime soon.."

"How caring and doting a husband can the monster be? Leave his teenage wife at a creek at night." Abdul said, taking another step towards her. She stepped back again.

Umamah's hart raced now. She had never known Abdul to be lethal, but.. right now, she did not know what to expect of him.

"Of course, he does whatever I want." She moved away. Distract him, distract him with other talks Umamah.

"How is Papa? I should see him tonight. That is, if it's okay with you."

Abdul had always respected his father the most. He had often talked about how he raised he and his siblings alone since their Mom had died on just the paltry earnings of drycleaning.

"He is fine." His features looked a little relaxed. "He wants me to get married."

Step one was a success. "That's great news. You know, I recall those days when we would walk home after being here. Does he still have the leg pain? Does he see any specialist now?"

"I am a medical Doctor now Umamah. I can take care of my father." He did not sound upset, instead, he asked with a hopeful voice, "Do you really want to meet him?"

Oh yes! Anything to get out of this scary place right now.

"Sure. I will just text Farid to pick me up from your house."

She brought her phone out and turned it on, making sure he did not see it had been off all along.

"We moved houses. We no longer live at Victoria Lane."

Umamah was surprised. "Really. Where do you live now?"


Her phone began to ring. it was Faisal. Oh! AlhamduliLlaah!

She answered it, immediately and said to Abdul, knowing Faisal waa listening "Sorry, just a second. I think my husband forgot the road to this creek at Alcove lane. The entrance is quite hidden. That's why we used to come here, right Abdul?" And without waiting for his response, she said into the phone. "Yes, Wa'alaykumussalaam dear." She was surprised at how calm her voice sounded. Faisal har began to say something, but she wasn't listening. She was only interested in systematically driving her point home in earnest prayer that he would catch on her game.

"Oh yeah, sure. I am with Abdul. We are headed to his father's house now from the creek you had dropped me earlier."

She paused. Faisal asked "What Creek? Alcove lane? Isn't that in Rocky Street?"
She did not respond, instead she said.

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