CHAPTER Fifty-Four - An Unlikely Reunion

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Back home in Abuja, Faisal smiled into the phone as he got the report. "Is that so?"

The voice on the other end replied and he said cooly "Excellent. Keep me updated."

The voice seemed to be shocked for it asked "What sir? That's it?"

Faisal's tone became more formal. "Is there anything else you would love to hear?"

The investigator in the other end cleared his throat, as though jolted back to reality as to whom he was speaking with.

"I completely understand sir." And he ended the call.

Faisal grinned. More than anyone, he knew Umamah could handle a little slander against her reputation. He knew exactly when she needed him and this moment wasn't one. Besides, he had something urgent to take care of and he had to get to it quickly.


The table shook with intensity as Faisal sat in front of the woman who was his in-law. In truth, he almost forgot what she looked like. Over the past few months, he had invested so much in finding her. Yes, he wanted to find her for the children, especially for Umamah. She didn't talk much about the woman anymore, probably because she didn't want to remember any of the bad memories, but he knew exactly how much they all wanted her in their lives, especially AbdAllah. The boy was just an infant when she left.

She looked everywhere but at him. Finally, he spoke. "I'm only doing this for two reasons. First, it's what Sulaym would want and secondly, it would ease your kid's lives"

She nodded with her head lowered, looking as though she was quite ashamed of herself and her past actions. "Umamah," she said, "how is she doing?"

Faisal rolled his eyes, "Now you ask? She's fine, Alhamdulillah, I make sure of that."

She nodded again and asked "Farid and AbdAllah? Are they okay? You should worry about yourself, Ma'am. You should worry about whether the children would want to see you again," Faisal framed.

The woman nodded, finally raising her head to look Faisal in the eyes. He could see it all now. She was almost as he remembered back then. He remembered meeting her just once during his encounter and his friendship with late Sulaym. One could tell that she was a beautiful lady in her own youth as well. She had the elegant, small face of Umamah. But that was all his wife took from her mother. There were more striking resemblances with Farid and AbdAllah. Umamah took after Sulaym's stubbornness and even his physical looks. But physically, Farid, more than even AbdAllah, looked like his mother.

"Now that you're here, what do you intend to do?" he asked her and she shook her head.

"I just want to see my children. I know that I was wrong in leaving them, but I want to be in their lives now."

"Why?" Faisal asked. "Because your current husband abuses you too much? What about your other two children with him?"

"I want to take them from him," she confessed. "But I'm afraid. He is very influential. I'm afraid that no matter what I do, I will lose."

Faisal rose an inquisitive brow. "Is that so?" He had already made his own investigation. Abdurashid Hamza was an influential politician, with a charisma that everyone outwardly looked at with enigma and intrigue. However, inside his home, all four wives suffered ill fates. Umamah's mother had been married as a third wife at the time. He had cherished her at first and showered get with all attention to the point that the other wives harmed her when he wasn't looking. But soon, things took a negative turn. In their time together, he had divorced her about two times already. And the third time he had refused to divorce her.

He beat his wives up and even his children. Such family abuse. No one wanted to be a part of it. Clearly, no matter how many times he had beaten them to a pulp, none of them ever raised an alarm. Faisal always wondered if money was all that they were after, suffer in their husbands' homes and yet remain, either for children or for other worldly purposes.

His attention was dragged back to the woman who was half seated, half on her knees. "I beg you," she cried. "I beg you. I want to fight for custody of my children from Rashid. Rashid is a beast. I don't want my children to grow up like that. The other wives, they want to leave as well, but they don't know how to. We are all in a dilemma."

Faisal wanted to tell her a lot of things. And none of them, was a good thing. Sulaym had treated her like a queen, treated her like the princess of his world. She really was the most special person in Sulaym's life, even more special than his own children at the time. Yet, she had left him when he needed her the most. When he was broke and had no company. And, well, it's just what they say about destiny. What goes around comes around. She had gone for money, and money had done this to her.

"Withholding everything that he had to tell her," He said instead, "I'm only doing this for my wife, the boys and my late friend. Even though she doesn't say it, I know Umamah wants to see you. Don't get too excited, ma'am. We're just related by marriage, but that is it. Personally, I don't have any respect for women who choose money over love."

She nodded her understanding. She currently didn't care what anyone said about her. Over the past years, over the long years she had spent in Rashid's house, she had suffered degradation and dehumanization. She had suffered inhumane treatment. She had suffered physical abuse, mental and emotional abuse. She even suffered spiritual attacks sometimes from the other wives due to the initial jealousy of her. Well, until Rashid completely changed towards her. Nothing anyone said now really hurt her. Least of all, her daughter's husband.

He didn't know much about her, but he was right. She had long started regretting her choice and she just was too ashamed to find her children and be with them. She had also seen on national news when Umamah made them proud at York University by bagging several awards. She had privately hired investigators to follow Umamah her progress to her. She knew exactly how well her children have been doing, but she had never dared to go close to them. This was her only opportunity. Faisal was influential, not just influential, he was powerful in both the political and business arena and he was her ticket to leave Rashid with her children. She was certainly going to take it.

Faisal shook his head and brought out his phone. After a swift call, he indented and turned to her. "My lawyers will file for your separation from Rashid. They have your details already. When they call you, you should cooperate with them and give them all the necessary information. You might be fighting fir just separation and custody of your children, but if you are truthful and this succeeds, in shaa Allah, then you will be saving the lives of the other women as well and their children. A beast like Rashid Hamza should not be allowed to exist."

His tone was cold, firm. Almost frightening. But she didn't mind. Everything he said, no matter how vexed they seemed, sounded like melodies to her ears. Finally, she was going to be free from Rashid. She was going to be free from that madman and that madhouse. Finally, she would be with her children again. She knelt down but didn't take Faisal's hand. She had made a little research about him and knew that he adhered strictly to the practice of the Sunnah. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I am only too happy that Allah sent you to my daughter. Allah sent you to Sulaym. Allah sent you to my family. I am only too happy. I will cooperate. I will cooperate. I don't want anything else. I don't dare to dream of anything else. My children, whether they accept me or not, I just want to be free from Rashid now."

Once again, Faisal looked at the woman. She looked quite pitiful, and it hurt him to his heart, knowing very well that if Umamah were to see her mother on her knees right now in front of him, it would really break her. He came to his seat instantly, adjusted his suit, and said, "That will be all, ma'am. My men will make sure that you return home safely. And also, they will make sure that you are not trailed at all. Remember to cooperate with them. In a few days, you will be saved from him. In shaa Allah. That will be all." Quickly, before he let his better softness get the better of him, he turned away from the woman and left.


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