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"We are home" Faisal whispered into Umamah's ears.

She stirred, opened her eyes and stretched in her chair, saying her adkaar.

Faisal smiled. Though, Umamah hadn't slept deliberately, she still made adhkaar when she woke up.

When she turned around, her husband was watching her with a mesmerized expression.

"Did I sleep off again?" She asked.

"Do you wish that I carry you upstairs?"

She looked away from him, blushing. What was wrong with Faisal today that he had been acting super sweet and gentle? That is, other than trying to soften the effect of his earlier blow to her ego.

"No. I can still walk." She replied. Her tone was sharper than she intended.

He nodded. "You still have about two minutes to change your mind."

He informed her as he unhooked her seat belt.

Something about the way he did it brought back the butterflies in her belly.

Umamah Sulaym! You are angry with this man because he took away a project you have worked so hard on. She reminded her subconscious.

Taking a deep breath, she looked away from his penetrating eyes, made to pick up her file which tested on the dashboard, but her hand clashed with his. His fingers lingered for a moment and then he whispered.

"I will get it for you."

He didn't need to whisper that. They were the only ones here.

Her heart skipped several beats and a jolt of electricity rushed through her veins compelling her to pull her hands away from his in haste.

What was wrong with her? Or was it... him?

Faisal picked the file and turned off the ignition. He was holding himself back from smiling.

It seemed to be working. Those google seduction lessons actually worked.

He had to rush to catch up with Umamah as she literally sped across the yard and into the house. He didn't want his surprise ruined.

Umamah entered the code in haste. She didn't understand what was going on with her, but her face was becoming too flushed. She had never had these much intimate thoughts about Faisal Abdur-Rahman.

Why would she now? Did he even see her in that way? Did he want her in that way? She was his wife and he could... They could do that. Right?

She brought her hands up to fan herself. Ya Salam! What was going through her head? Why was his proximity of so much effect to her tonight and what, in Allah's Omnipotent name was taking the door so long to open?

She imputed the passcode again and that was when his hands came on hers again.

"Hey... Hey... Are you okay?"

She paused, tried to move her hand away again, but this time, he held on.

Guiding her fingers against the machine, he said, "It's 151619. Remember?" He asked as the door clicked open.

Of course she remembered. She was the one who changed it. But how was she to tell him what went through her head? Wouldn't he find her less conservative?

The moment the door opened, Umamah rushed in, needing space from Faisal.

She tripped over something and the living room was lit with  dim rainbow hues.

Her heart swelled at the sight before her. The living room was scary light with decorative lights. There was a petal design of a big heart on the floor. Inside was written.

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