CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT - From Perplexed To Enthused

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Umamah was exasperated. She had shared everything Farid had told her with Faisal, but he appeared indifferent. Faisal's response left her frustrated, and she exclaimed, "What do you mean, yup? The girl is sixteen!"

Faisal responded casually, taking a wheel at the gym.
When he arrived, Umamah had asked if he wanted anything to eat and he said "not yet." He had been feeling quite uneasy about the meal he ate at lunch, so he headed down the stairs, took the balcony and went into the gym. His wife had followed him there and that was when he knew she had something to say. Knowing what that was, he sighed thinking about the length of conversation already. Now as he took the thread mill, he replied.

"You do realize we visited that girl in Egypt together, right?" how could she ask if he knew the Anisa girl's age?
Umamah was perplexed.

Faisal, visibly irritated, glanced at Umamah and told her to consider why Farid had suddenly decided to marry in two weeks.

Umamah hadn't given it much thought, which made her feel somewhat guilty. But she reiterated her concern about Farid's age.

Faisal was stern and explained. "Farid is marrying the girl now to save her from marrying a man five times her age. The family only wants to get a hand on her inheritance and only if they marry her to someone they know will this work well for them."

Umamah visibly dripped with irritation. Were there still families that did that to their daughters? What age was this? Most importantly, are they her family at all?

Umamah found that she became tongue-tied after hearing this. Though she worried about Farid, she also worried about the girl. She remembered the look about the well niqabed lady that she hadn't been able to fathom. It was this?

Seeing her contemplate, Faisal said. "Farid isn't just your kid brother. He is a man of his own to a lady out there. If you continue to show disdain and lack of trust for all his decisions, he might... stop trusting you."

Umamah frowned. She didn't want Farid to stop trusting her. She was just concerned for him. "but it's just in two weeks..."

"Which means we have a wedding to plan." Faisal interrupted her as he moved to the squat rack. He bent over as Umamah followed him. The confusion on her face was evident and an idea occurred to him. As he picked the heavy bar, she stared into Umamah's eye "No way!" he exclaimed.

Umamah eyed him. "no way, what?"

"You are jealous your brother is growing up. Another woman in his life for real... is too much for you to handle..."

"What nonsense are you spewing?" Umamah snapped, caught off guard. He couldn't believe Faisal was turning the tides against her so easily. That rarely happened. She took a step backward and said, "look. I came to discuss this with you because I thought since you are older, naturally, you would be wiser. But I see that I have wasted my time. I shall take my leave now"

As she retreated, she heard the mocking laughter coming from the gym and the words her husband uttered. "We will be going for shopping this weekend and you, darling wife will be expected to shop for attires for your sister-in-law."

Umamah snorted. "Sister-in-law my foot!" but she couldn't help the smile that escaped her lips. Was she really reluctant to let Farid grow up? He was her oldest younger brother anyways. The only one that actually fought with her. Was she really being so dismissive of the idea of his marriage because she feared she would lose him?

Thinking about it now, though it was true that she was scared for Farid, she realized Faisal was also right. She didn't want to "lose" her brother so soon.

Umamah closed the door to the large master's bedroom and expressed her thoughts aloud. "well, I guess we have a wedding to plan" She acknowledged Farid's stubborn nature, but he was still her brother. She also firmly believed that no family should compel a girl to marry against her will.

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