CHAPTER FORTY-SIX-A wife Like Umamah

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Umamah rushed to Faisal as soon as he closed the door, embracing him. "I've been waiting for you," she said softly, relief flooding through her. Faisal reciprocated the hug, putting his arm around her and inhaling her soft scent. He playfully asked, "Hmm, were you worried?" She nodded vigorously, and he chuckled. "For me?" he teased, aware that these corporate matters were trivial in the grand scheme.

As Umamah hugged him tightly, Faisal contemplated whether to share the complexities of his day. Before he could decide, she insisted, "I don't want any excuses; I can’t wait to hear everything." Despite her words, she continued embracing hhim

Chuckling, Faisal quipped, "Do you want us to stand here all night while you hear about my exhausting day?"

It was then that Umamah realized she hadn't allowed him to rest. Apologizing, she said, "Sorry, pardon my manners. You are so tired and all I did is trouble you."

Pulling away, she took his hand and led him to the bed. "Do you want to have a shower first or eat? I can place the order right now if you're so hungry," she offered. Faisal, looking at her endearingly, replied,

"Let me have a shower first. I know how much you hate the stench of a workday sweat." She returned his smile and agreed, "Okay."

By the time he finished his shower and emerged, a delicious meal awaited Faisal in the dining area of their suite. Excitedly, he devoured the food without delay. Despite skipping lunch and dinner, he chose to eat with Umamah, appreciating the shared moments. It had become Umamah's recent peculiar behavior, to refuse to eat unless he was present. Determined not to leave his wife hungry, he willingly endured the hunger himself, finding joy in their shared meals.

Dabbing his mouth after finishing the food, he suggested coquettishly, “So… should we head to the other side?” Umamah glanced in the direction of the bedroom and understanding of his meaning dawned on her. Immediately, her face grew hot with embarrassment.

As enticing as that sounded, he looked super exhausted. Plus, she wanted to hear all that happened at the meeting today.

But exhaustion or not, she could sense he didn’t want to discuss his day. Had it really gone that bad? She wondered.
Through the raging surge of emotions rushing within her, Umamah said softly. “Come, I’ll put you to bed.”

Hearing that, a playful smile tugged at Faisal’s lips and he asked. “Put me to bed?”

She grinned charmingly at him knowing his question was also a challenge “Do you dare?” Without waiting for an answer, she stood from the dinning area and went into the bedroom, sat on the bed, and patted the space beside her.

He strode towards his wife and surprised her by laying horizontally with his body on the bed and his head on her thighs. “Hmm, this is better.” He sighed as he closed his eyes.

It was Umamah's time to chuckle. His eyes were closed, and his brows were furrowed, making him appear much younger than his actual age. The realization struck Umamah that he was almost 40, yet he looked remarkably youthful. Tenderly, she touched his forehead, smoothing away the furrowed frown. As she did, she heard his soft sighs and gentle breath, indicating that he had already succumbed to sleep.

Sometimes, she forgot that despite his capabilities and leadership in numerous companies, both nationally and internationally, he was just one man. In the grand scheme, he too could collapse or break down. The weight he carried was immense, and she pondered the responsibility she held as his wife to care for him properly. He nestled against her thighs, and she refrained from moving, fearing she might disturb his slumber. The stubbles etched on his cheeks didn't escape her notice, and she silently promised herself to shave it for him tomorrow, In shaa Allah.

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