CHAPTER FORTY - FIVE - Accusations

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Umamah,  startled by the unexpected visitor, turned to face the tall figure with a tremor of fear. “Who are you?” she questioned the man’s turned back. As the man slowly turned around to her, taking off his face cap, she finally recognized the man. “Abdul?” she called, sensing a flicker of recognition.
Abdul’s gaze swept across his ex-girlfriend, with a hint of irony, he said “I’m sorry, Umamah, for entering unannounced. I understand the impropriety, but I had to see you.” he explained.

Fear tightened Umamah’s heart; a stranger was in her hotel room. “Let’s go to the lobby” she quickly suggested, prioritizing propriety. However, Abdul blocked her path, pleading for protection. Confused, Umamah asked, “Protect you? From whom? What have you done, Abdul?”

He didn’t say a word. Only looked at her with pleading eyes. Despite the strangeness and awkwardness of the situation, Umamah hesitated, torn between doubt and curiosity about Abdul’s troubles. The last time they spoke, he had been the one chasing her away from him, telling her to stay away from her.
After scrutinizing him, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. She picked her phone and rushed into the restroom. “Wait here,” she instructed as she locked it from inside.

Umamah remained in the restroom until the bedroom door was pulled open. Farid, accompanied by a hotel staff member with a cup, stood there, both staring at Abdul. "Abdul, Farid," they called simultaneously. Farid's expression turned bitter and sad. "What are you doing here? What are you looking for in a married woman's hotel suit?" he demanded, his anger escalating.

"You had better not hurt my sister," he warned. Farid tapped on the door, and Umamah, with an uncertain look, opened it. "Is he gone?”
“Do you want him to leave?" Farid asked. Umamah explained, "No, he said he has something to tell me. I just didn't want to talk to him alone."

"Then come out," Farid insisted, assuring Umamah of her safety in his presence. Feeling secure, she walked out, leading Abdul into the suite. The room was expansive, larger than an average house, with a parlor. Seated opposite each other, Umamah, Abdul, and Farid stared at each other for over ten minutes. Finally, unable to bear the silence, Farid snapped, "Speak."

At first, Abdul’s gaze shifted from Farid to Umamah  who was immersed in her phone, no longer the caring person he remembered. He couldn’t comprehend her changed demeanor – the Umamah he knew would have shown concern, not locked herself in the restroom and called her brother. Regardless, he had a more pressing matter at hand: seeking Faisal’s help.

Swallowing his pride, Abdul ventured, “I need to see Faisal.”

Farid’s eyes narrowed, and he questioned, “Why?” Abdul, perplexed by Farid’s hostility, couldn’t pinpoint the source of the animosity. Apart from their past relationship and Farid’s unfounded dislike, he didn’t understand the depth of the resentment.

Unprepared for this line of inquiry, Abdul hesitated before admitting, “I’m in financial trouble.”
Farid probed further, “Financial problems?” baffled by the revelation.
That got Umamah to look up from her phone.

Noticing the misinterpretation, Abdul corrected quickly, “Not that type of financial problem.” The change in Umamah and her brother’s expressions indicated they had assumed he needed money. Clarifying, he explained, rather irritably, “I don’t need Faisal’s money. I need him to stop oppressing me with his money and power. If he doesn’t, I will lose everything.”

As Abdul stopped explaining, Umamah, suddenly thought about something. He was clearly not ready to go on. Whatever Abdul was saying, didn’t make any sense, but she decided to take the opportunity to find out what she had always wanted to know. Although Faisal had stopped her from meeting him then to ask, this didn’t count as disobeying that warning, right?
She dropped her phone and calmly said, “Abdul, if you want my husband’s help, you have to be open with me. Tell me about your leg, why you’re being chased, what you’re doing in Egypt, and why you’re seeking my husband. Do t hold anything back.”

Feeling the weight of her questions, Abdul bit his lower lip, hands entwined, rubbing his disheveled hair and unshaved beard. “About my leg, it isn’t your fault. I’ve told you many times; it was an accident. But what I need to discuss with your husband is different. It’s about 13 people who took the only plot of land I valued. They’re your husband’s men. I’ve come to beg him to let it go.”

“My husband’s men?” Umamah asked, exchanging a perplexed look with Farid. This was certainly not what they had been expecting.

"I don't understand," Umamah voiced her confusion, prompting Farid to glare at Abdul, demanding more information.

"Are you saying that you have a plot of land that Faisal took from you? In simple English," Farid pressed, his tone firm.

Abdul nodded, acknowledging that this indeed summarized the situation. Farid, angered, stood up. "Faisal is not a mean person. This accusation is you going way out of line Abdulhameed”

You don't know your husband," Abdul began to argue, but Umamah, visibly upset, cut him off, "You don't know what you are saying…"

Abdul cut her off as well. "He acts like the good person on the outside, but everyone knows that he is nothing but a vile ma. He already took you away from me," Abdul continued.

Umamah now glaring, couldn't fathom his accusations.

"That land was the only piece I wanted to build a house for my own father. I wanted him to live a peaceful life with my sister, but no, he had to take it away from us. All I am asking is to beg him, but those men followed me. They are after my life. Don't you see?" Abdul pleaded.

Umamah, skeptical, calmly responded, thinking to get Abdul’s head cleared on the right thoughts.

"What happened between us years ago is in the past. You don't have to come to me trying to frame my husband. Besides, Faisal isn't that kind of person."

Her confidence in Faisal shattered Abdul's heart even more. He clarified, "I am not here to discredit your husband before you, Umamah. And Farid, I know he is your trusted brother-in-law, but listen. I have evidence with all his signatures. That piece of land in Utako was already purchased by me. If he wants another land, he could get it easily, but please don't let him take over this particular one."

Umamah took the documents and began reading. Anticipating Faisal's arrival, she had already inquired about his location. Any moment now, her husband would walk through that door.

As Umamah read through the documents, she confirmed that indeed, the handwriting and signature belonged to Faisal. Confused and unable to comprehend the situation, she hesitated to confront Abdul without hearing her husband’s side. She knew Faisal was not a heartless person.

While these thoughts swirled in her mind, Abdul’s voice came again calmly. “I did try to fight him legally, but it’s no use when it will take forever.” He decided to appeal to her emotions. “Ummie, you recall how much father loved Utako. He is old and only wants to live by the riverside. I bought that land to fulfill his wish. I am not as rich as I should be, but I am a dutiful don. You know this. But taking my piece of land from me a d sending men after me to keep me quiet… I am not trying to fight him. I just want his help. To relinquish the land for me.” His voice turned even calmer, pleading even more. He sounded like his life depended on it.

“I followed you two to Egypt to beg you for this. Please… help me.”

As he concluded this, he picked up his face cap and giving Farid one more look, he exited the hotel room.

About ten minutes later, Umamah stood before the window sharing down at the pouring rain outside the window as the door opened again. A familiar cologne filled the room and her nostrils before she turned around to see the familiar tall figure it belonged to. Her dazzling husband.


So, what are your thoughts? Do you think Umamah should be weary of Faisal? Now, you have evidence I your hands, in Umamah's shoes, what would you do?

Umm Najm✨

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