CHAPTER FIfty- Three - The Condemning Heart

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Umamah stepped into the class and she felt the hostility immediately. It wasn't like the previous days when her class mates had been merely indifferent towards her. It was whispers upon whispers. When she turned around, they looked away. It was certainly a gossip about her. Ordinarily, she didn't worry about things like gossips, but when she thought about the fact that they didn't know anything about her enough to gossip about her, she couldn't help but be curious. Yes. It was curiosity and nothing else.

Faisal always said that "If it was yours to find, you will find it." so, she shrugged it off and took her seat. Eventually, she was going to hear about the gossip anyway. Perhaps, Nur would tell her when he arrived.

A few minutes later, she heard Nur's voice as he walked into the class room and gave his hands to the friends he had made in a handshake. He remained with them for a long time and didn't come to his seat beside her. Even when the lectures began, he simply found another place to sit.

She found it quite strange, but she pushed it aside. Since she had never once initiated a conversation with him, she wasn't about to start then. She had her husband to worry about. Ever since the nightmare, she hadn't felt easy. But she prayed to Allah, so she left her affairs to Him.

Still, she found herself darting her eyes to her phone now and then in anticipation of his text.

The interval before the next class, Umamah walked out of the class to the café where she bought a cup of black coffee. Then she returned to the class. As she was about to take her seat, she sensed all eyes on her again and she looked up only to find them all looking away quickly. She decided that she would just ignore them all and that as what she did for the rest of the class.

Faisal sent her a text that he had just arrived at 2:00pm when she was just wrapping up for the day. Monday were always her busiest days.

Fai: I miss you already, dove.

Umamah smiled, realizing how much he had grown from that man that couldn't say a romantic word to a man of various romantic lines. she knew she was blushing as she replied the text.

Umamah: I know. I am glad you arrived safely.

Fai: Disappointed emoji. That's it? No 'miss you too?'

She chuckled this time. His humour was the relief she needed. Maybe you miss me much, more than I miss you.

Fai: Amazing. Then, I should give you more memories to miss next weekend, In shaa Allah.

She couldn't help but flush at his innuendo. I am just wrapping up classes now.

I know.

She sent a rolling eyes upward emoji. So then, you should also know that I am getting ready to go home. My kisses to Mayeesha, please.

They ended their chat and she looked up from her phone. The smile slowly froze on her lips as she saw Nur look at her in... disgust. Yes. It was disgust. What was this about? She wondered as she looked away from him to begin parking her books. He didn't help her as he used to. Instead, his icy voice rang through the almost empty class. Her hat with Faisal had kept her longer than others.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

His accusing voice sent involuntary shivers down her spine. "Excuse you?"

"You are not excused."

Umamah was taken aback by Nur's bluntness. What was he going on about? But soon, he clarified everything with his own words. Nur had never spoken to her like that before, never raised his voice at her. So why now?

"You really should be ashamed of yourself, Umamah. How old are you exactly? Surely, you can't be over 18. Yet, you are now being sponsored by an elderly man?"

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