CHAPTER Fifty-Two - Hey, It's Just a Nightmare

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Umamah tried calling Faisal back to no avail. So, she went downstairs for her launch with the rest of the house. Hildah was the first to see her.

“Umamah, what took you so long? The meal has almost gone cold.” The woman reprimanded gently.

Umamah smiled back and tried a sarcastic remark as she pulled out her chair. “Aren’t meals meant to be served cold?”
Hildah didn’t return her smile. There was still a scowl on her face. Truth was that, Umamah didn’t like easting much and she often did her best to evade meals at home. She had made it her responsibility to ensure the young woman ate as at when due.
When Umamah noticed her joke wasn’t taken as it was meant to be, she came to her feet and pulled the older woman into a bear hug, almost suffocating her in the process. “Oh, you sweet, caring loving woman! Am I lucky to have you or what?” she flattered.

“You will not succeed in pushing this away…”

“Wanna bet?” Umamah teased as she gave the woman a wet peck on her cheeks and began to tickle her. Soon, Hilda was doubling over in laughter.

“Do you forgive me now?” she asked, still tickling the woman.
“Stop… this instant… yes… Ya Allah! Yes! I Forgive you…”

Umamah sighed, satisfied. She pulled away from the woman and pulled out another chair beside her. “Good, then, let everyone join us.  I am famished.”

With that, everyone knew she had won again. It was in deed a surprise. Caviar? The cook made beef hot pot with caviar and almond juice. It was a rare sight to behold. Too much beef wasn’t healthy, but Umamah rarely had that. She was only too glad to see it now.

“Hurry and eat before I change my mind.” Aaliyah said.
Umamah smiled and delved into the meal. It was an exquisite meal in deed.

They ate while chatting. Umamah heard all about their day and why they decided upon beef and caviar. Apparently, for the next two weeks, they would be rotating cooking in the house… a kind of competition between Hildah and Aaliyah.

Today, it was Hildah, tomorrow, it would be Aaliyah. And she, Umamah was to be the judge. As childish as she thought this was, Umamah wasn’t going to spoil the fun. Besides, if there was a cooking competition in the house, that meant, more cooking of varieties instead of the monotonous vegetables Faisal always wanted her to have. She sure was going to leverage this moment and enjoy all the dishes.

At Maghreeb, she dialed Faisal again. This time, it rang, but he didn’t answer it. She dialed him again and again and the result was the same. Her agitation turned to frustration and then, anger. Had he gone so busy that he had forgotten to call her or answer her calls or even return them? letting her anger preside, she flung her phone angrily on the bed and it hit the headrest with a crack. She decided not to call him again. She had her own life as well and she didn’t have to wait on a man who was no longer dotting on her in return. She decided to begin working on her next week’s presentation.

She didn’t go down for diner, because she was still full from launch, so she took some fruits instead. After Isha, she went straight to bed, exhausted and frustrated.

Faisal watched over the gentle sleeping lamb on the bed. She stirred, but didn’t wake up. He cursed under his breath for the delayed flight. After that, he didn’t want to answer her calls because, then, he would ruin the surprise. But who would have known that she would fall asleep as soon as she prayed Isha?
He had arrived just as his Muslim pro rang for Isha. But Umamah was already asleep. He didn’t like that his surprise was ruined, but he hated it more that she wasn’t waiting for him. Hadn’t she missed him as much as he had, her?

He dropped his bag silently and went to make wudu’ for Isha’ prayers. After the prayers, he returned to find her still asleep. He paced, made subtle noise, but Umamah didn’t wake up. He hated waking her up, but he had to. He had missed her too much and he wanted nothing more than to hug her.

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