CHAPTER SIXTEEN - Through The Odds

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That night was to begin a routine that Umamah did not see coming. The following day, Faisal woke up early and went to work without her. He asked Farid to drop her at work. He called Farid to pick her up as well while he embedded himself in work.

Umamah knew this had to stop. She had no idea of knowing what was in his mind. She barely saw him, unless at work, in meetings. He simply... blocked her off.

He made sure he didn't return to the house until she had slept off. Umamah used to be a light sleeper. But that changed since she began to work with FIH & FNLG. She was always too tired when she returned and only wanted to hit the bed. Faisal knew this and he made certain to take full advantage of that.

Exactly a week since the whole drama began, she decuded to talk with him. Since he woke up before her and rushed off, and also made certain she had slept off before his return, she had the right time to ambush him.

It was a Thursday and very early when Faisal woke up. She knew he would love to fast after his Tahajjud, so she was sitting on the bed, waiting for him to wake.

Faisal woke at 2:40 Am stretching and making his adkaar at the same time. "Assalaam'alaykum. I hope you had a wonderful sleep." She asked sweetly, sitting by the edge of his side of the bed.

"Wa'alaykumussalaam Wa RahmatuLlaahi Wa Barakaatuh. Good morning." He responded not knowing what else to say.

He began to get out of bed, but she said; "Breakfast in bed?" She asked, again, sweetly.

What was this? some romantic comedy? "I think I will pass."

"O, it's Okay. I was thinking we should do something different this weekend. Maybe we all go out?" She suggested.

He stepped down from the bed and made to pick his Salat caftan.  "Whatever you want. Go with the boys."

"I am NOT married to the boys."

He cringed at the imagination of that and then, continued the action of donning his caftan, It was just 2:50Am for goodness sake.

"No. You are not. But I am permitting you." He said.

"I want to go together... As a family." She insisted.

He looked at her and looked away again. Her words were sweet. Too sweet really. If he wasn't careful, he would fall into a bee's nest in a successful lure for honey. It was a trap. A trap the net him to care and be discarded once more. He was Faisal Abdul Rahman. He would never let that happen again.

He had decided a week ago to not hope. Umamah would never see him as anything, but her precious Uncle Faisal. She loved her ex and once she was a little stable, she was going to leave him for him.

"Perfect. You seem to agree. I will get the camping equipments. It's going to be chilly, so you might want to pick your..."

"I have a meeting with NEMA's DG by weekend." He interrupted her.

She gasped and then looked up, with her hands folded across her chest.

"Are you avoiding me?" The accusation was evident in her eyes.

"We live in the same house." He answered, as though that should settle everything.

"Do we?" Her voice was rising in pitch now. "It's been a week. How long do you intend to be mad at me?"

"I am not mad at you." And it was true. He just was ready to place himself where she placed him in her life. Women were all the same anyways. He would be ruined to let another woman use his head and softness.

"Then why are you ignoring me?"

"I am not." He said, going into the restroom.

Umamah sat there, waiting for him to return. When he did, she asked.

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