CHAPTER FORTY-ONE - Not Your regular In laws

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The trip to Egypt this time wasn’t as hectic as the previous ones, thanks to Faisal’s thoughtful preparations. He had consulted with Dr. Mahmoud and his wife, Dr. Asya, to ensure that Umamah had the right medication for her air sickness . As a result, Umamah enjoyed a comfortable and relatively chat-filled flight. She marveled at how different this trip was from her previous experiences, emphasizing how air sickness had previously been a hindrance to her travel.

Faisal smiled and ensured that everything was ready upon their arrival at the hotel. Their private jet had been well-equipped, and a truck efficiently transferred all their luggage to their hotel. The same truck would accompany them on their trip to Anisa's home tomorrow, In Shaa Allah.

Hotel Zoud was an exquisite and enigmatic 5-star establishment in Egypt, known to be reserved for a select few. Faisal had ensured that Umamah experienced the best this hotel had to offer. He often pondered how he had amassed so much wealth without a clear purpose for it. Although he was eager to shower Umamah with extravagances, he also reminded himself not to squander his blessings, for fear of becoming extravagant.

That night, after a refreshing shower and as they waited to present Anisa with their gifts, Umamah broached a topic of concern. She asked, “What if Anisa’s parents refuse to grant her hand in marriage to Farid? Have we considered this, Faisal?” Her question hung in the air, a potential complication in their plans.

Then, Faisal chuckled, dismissing the thought. “I highly doubt that Anisa’s family, materialistic as Farid had described them, can resists our gifts,” he responded. “Do not fret over such matters. Just drop it and get some rest.”

Umamah let out a yawn then. “Oh, the mischievous fatigue,” she remarked, seeing Faisal’s reproaching, but amused glance. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

Faisal smiled and assured her. “Don’t worry. Let’s go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day, In Shaa Allah.”

With those words, they both retired to bed, sealing the night with a loving kiss.
The following morning, since Umamah already had Anisa's number, she called her and informed her that they were on their way. Anisa’s response was a clip "Okay," and then hung up. Umamah stared at her phone, feeling a bit perturbed.

Faisal noticed her contemplative look and asked “what is it?"

Umamah thought for a moment before answering, "She's just… different, Faisal, something about her doesn't seem the right."

Faisal smiled, gauging her meaning. Had he not thought the same thing about her when they first met, and to this day, didn’t he still find her quite exceptionally unique for her age? He refrained from saying it out loud though; you didn't call Umamah a kid unless you were prepared for the consequences.

Faisal then checked the time and reminded her, "The truck with all the goodies should be on its way to their house. They're probably almost there. Let's get going."

Umamah agreed, "Sure, but..." Faisal sensed there was something more. "But?" he asked.

"I was thinking," Umamah began, "why don't we pick up something else on our way there? Not gifts” she hurried to say when she saw his raised brow. “just... you know, something to say."

Faisal raised an eyebrow, confused. "You don't need to give a speech, Umamah. What's wrong with you?"

Umamah had been talking about wanting to give a speech since they left Nigeria, and Faisal didn't quite understand her sudden urge. Giving a speech to Anissa's family was completely unnecessary, and if they were exactly what Anisa had said, speech would be the last thing on their minds.

Umamah sighed, "I just want to make a good impression in front of her family..."

Faisal reiterated.  "You don't need to give a speech."

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