CHAPTER FORTY - FOUR - An Additional Day

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The faint sound of zippers and rustling files roused Umamah from her sleep. Blinking sleepily, she noticed Faisal hunched over the reading table, his dim reading lamp casting a soft glow. She couldn't help but wonder what had him so occupied at this late hour.

Realizing she was awake, Faisal greeted her gently, "As-salamu alaykum, darling. Sorry I woke you up" he apologized.

Umamah, still groggy, replied, "Wa alaykum as-salam. What are you doing? Is it even 1 a.m. yet?"

Faisal shook his head and replied, still going through his documents. It was as though he was comparing them. "No idea, but I have a meeting today at the nearby hotel."

Umamah's eyes widened, and she asked, "A meeting? Weren't we supposed to return today?"

Faisal confirmed, "Yes, but an urgent meeting came up. Fortunately, it's just at the hotel next door. It's on the next street."

Umamah sighed and rolled her eyes. "So, it means we might not be returning today" Umamah knew his meetings were all-day affairs, and his leaving very early in the morning only meant she wouldn't see him til late.

Faisal felt her sadness and tried to console her, saying, "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Its just that I can't put it off."

Umamah, remembering the hadith about all the affairs of a believer being good. Whether good or bad, and the Quranic verse about wanting something that may not be best for one, felt her heart lighten. "I understand" she said calmly. "So, what is this meeting about?" she thought she at least deserved to know why her day was being taken from her.

Faisal said slightly unconcerned. "Some of the board members are getting out of hand this time. I'm afraid the company might be changing leadership."

Umamah closed her eyes, trying to comprehend what he had just said. "You mean they want to change the company's leadership?"

Umamah understood that changing the company's leadership could have a significant impact on Faisal and other key stakeholders. While she may not have full insight into the inner workings of the corporate world, she knew that even smaller companies faced challenges related to power and politics. With larger companies like Faisal's, the complexities could be even greater.

Worried for her husband, she asked, "Are they trying to make trouble for you again?"

Faisal gazed into her eyes and reassured her, "Don't worry, sweetheart. Anyone who tries to make trouble for me will be the one to face consequences. You already know that."

Umamah trusted Faisal's capabilities, but she couldn't help but be concerned. After all, he was just one person. Seeking more information, she pressed, "Tell me everything that's happening."

Faisal sighed, recognizing her determination to understand the situation. He decided to share some details but kept the bulk of it to himself. "Okay, here's how it is," he began.

Faisal shared the details of the company's (FIH) current situation with Umamah. Some shareholders were unhappy that he had converted certain stocks for charity purposes. While these stocks belonged to Faisal, some shareholders had raised objections and even involved other investors, who trusted Faisal. Unfortunately for them, all FIH investors were personally scouted by Faisal and they trusted him first before any other

Umamah listened and understood the immediate issue but knew there was more to it. She probed further, asking her husband about the underlying reasons. Faisal appreciated her concern but also wanted to protect her from the bigger picture, which he believed could be dangerous.

He explained, "But that Is not the only reason, Yeah?"

Umamah questioned him, fully aware of his intentions to shield her from potential risks. Faisal sighed and kissed her cheek. He knew he had only one option as he stared into his wife's beautiful eyes. Tell her the complete truth. Although he always worry about her, he knew Umamah was a reasonable woman and understood him the best.

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