CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE - A Treat for Mrs. Sulaym

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Faisal stood before the assembled crowd of factory staff.

It had been almost a month since the incidence with Mr. Farhan. Everyone who grieved had began to return to their normal lives. Yet, there was a lot left unsaid.

Such was life. People die, and people forget, so, live well for the One Who will Never forget. Your Rabb.

"I don't think I have to repeat all I have just said. We are Muslims. Our first duty towards our brothers is that of care. Our neglegence towards others cost not just them a lot, but the entire Ummah. We all attended Mr. Farhan's janaazah. The incidence was pre-ordained, but we were a sabab.

Your duties are simple. If anyone knows they cannot handle effective what has been placed in their care, let him tender his resignation. We are not apologetic to the team of fifteen that were fired. We will not hesitate to fire the entire company staff for another neglegence.

Your positions are delicate, being the heart of FNLG, and as such, none of you are not professionals in your field. So the least we expect you to do is keep to your terms of due diligence. Do you all understand?"

The response was a resounding Yes Sir.

"If you have a problem, or your responsibility has become too weighty for you, resign. This is the last time I will say this. Now get back to your duties."

Everyone scurried around to various duties.

Faisal returned to the office to meet Umamah already waiting for him.

She had the look of admiration that sent chills down his spine. She had been working tirelessly for almost a month.

"Assalamualaikum." She greeted, meeting him halfway with a smile that warmed his heart.

"Wa'alaykumussalaam wa RahmatuLlaahi wa barakaatuh. Someone is in a light mood."

She opened her tab and passed it to him. "Two great news. Which would you like to hear first?"

When put that way, there really wasn't an option. He thought as he said.

"The first." He said and she motioned to the device in his hands.

"The first image you see is..."

"White coast Foundation." He supplied.

She gave a cocky smile.

"You are abreast these things. Now, every year, they run a newly widowed sponsorship. The difference between they and the others I didn't pick is, they have local Intels which brief them on the happenings of the locals, and they trace the families by themselves."

She paused

"This is what we need, right?"

He scrolled. "And the second?"

She walked to his desk and pulled an envelope, retrieved the iPad from his hand and replaced it with the documents.

"Stanfield Organization has been bought by Reheez."

He raised a quizzical brow.

"Yes. I wondered the sane as well. Turned out the organization had been running on losses and needed to get debts and liabilities off their hands. Now the good part of it is, the Managing Director of Raheez has sent out a secret call for sponsorship. I reached out. And they are currently on hold. If you sponsor them, they can add Mr. Farhan's family to their beneficiaries, plus, you have an additional investment with a mini oil sector."

"Umamah, a company running in losses,so much it had to be sold? How is that good to invest in?"

Again, her cocky smile returned. "Stanfield Oils isn't your target. Raheez is." She bent closer to him. "They discovered the coal mine."

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