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Assalamualaikum everyone. 💐🌷💐🌷💐🌷🌹🌹🌹

So I had scheduled the post for 5:00pm on the dot, at least that's what I thought. Only to realize it's still not here. That's why it's coming late.

AFFIANCED BY FORCE welcomes you back from Ramadan and Eid break.💐🌷🌹💐🌷🌹

I would really love and appreciate your likes, comments and shares as it would encourage this writer.

Please drop your comments on Umamah 's decision to visit Abdul's house. Would you have done things differently?

JazakumuLlaahu Khairan🌷💐🌷💐🌷💐

Ilham was the first to spot Umamah as she stepped into the bungalow. "Umamah!" The nine year old girl exclaimed as she ran into her arms. "They all said you will never show up at our new house." She said. "I missed you so much Ummie."

Umamah embraced the little girl as well. "I have missed you so much too little Illi. Look at you. Such a big girl now. And you are wearing the hijab too." The girl was happy to see Umamah 's acknowledgement of her covering.

"I had to make Papa buy it for me. I am getting another one for Eid, In Shaa Allah." She announced.

"That is sooo cool of Papa. I promise you a few as well, In Shaa Allah."

"Really?" The girl's excitement was palpable.

"Have I ever lied to you before?"

"Never! Much less now that you wear the hijab too. My mu'allim says a good Muslim does not tell a lie, even while joking."

"And he has spoken the truth."

They both laughed as Umamah embraced the girl again.

Someone coughed and Umamah looked to see Papa, leaning on his walking stick. "Is this really you, my little Ummie?"

"Anyaari odu Sir." Umamah greeted in Abdul's traditional language as she walked further into the house, holding Ilham's hand. She had learnt a few things in the Ebira Language and was surprised she never forgot them.

"O Nyari odu inya. When did you return? Abdul said you went out of the country to study."

"Yes Sir. It's been almost two months now since we returned."
"Yes. He also told me you went with your brothers. How do they do now?"

"AlhamduliLlaah Sir. We are all fine."

"I see. My daughter, you ate welcome. Come and have a seat. Ilham go and bring some cold water for your sister to drink."

The little girl was more than excited to obey.

Umamah followed Papa Abdul to the living room and took a seat.

"My daughter, friend of my son. Daughter of my friend. May God rest his soul. You are welcome, once again."

"Thank you Papa." She replied. "Your new place is really beautiful and more spacious. May Allah bless you all in it."

"Aameen, my dear. It's all thanks to Abdul. He has been a dutiful son. Speaking of Abdul, he isn't here at the moment. Did you call him?"

Of course she hadn't. She had simply asked Farid to do some findings as to when Abdul will not be home so she could come over . She never wanted to come to the house when he was here. Firstly, She had been clearly warned to stay clear off him by Faisal and secondly, and of course, the reason she was here today, she had an unanswered question.

"I actually came to see you. I just thought it would be good to visit you and Ilham." She replied.

"Is that so? May Allah reward you."

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