CHAPTER Fifty-Six - You Are Not My Mother!

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The following day dawned bright and sunny, a perfect Saturday for the family's planned indoor activities. Umamah had transformed the barren vast land behind the main building into a stunning lounge area with a beautiful courtyard in it, meticulously designing every detail to perfection. The lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and comfortable seating arrangements created an inviting atmosphere for their picnic.

As the family gathered in the garden, Umamah's design skills were praised by all. Faisal beamed with pride at his wife's talents, while everyone expressed his admiration for the lilies, a special touch Ummie had added to the garden.

"I love the lilies, the most.” Faisal confessed. “I didn't know you could find lilies so easily.”

“I didn’t. Trust me, I had to order them. It was really a stressful process. But I'm glad they brought the real lilies, not some fakes,"

AbdAllah, however wasn’t having any of the cooing of her sister by her husband. The lady could virtually do no wrong in his eyes. So, he chilled in. "The greens, though, aren’t they too much? I mean, I know they're healthy for the eyes and all, but they are just too much, Umamah.”

Ignoring her brother's comment, Umamah turned to Faisal with a smile. "Is that all you see too? The greens?"

Faisal reassured her, "Do not worry. Like I said, this is all yours. You can change the designs anytime you want. And whatever you feel like is not right or you feel like you want to do, just do it. I'm right behind you."

Meanwhile, AbdAllah playfully teased the couple, "can you get a room?"

Umamah retorted in the same manner her husband had, just yesterday, "Can you get a wife?”
“God! No! Not until I'm 40," AbdAllah quipped, before wandering off with his basket of fruits.

As the day unfolded, laughter filled the air as the family enjoyed each other's company. Umamah's meticulously planned garden provided the perfect backdrop for their gathering, with lush green lawns, colorful flowers, and cozy seating areas creating a welcoming ambiance.

Neighbors from nearby streets were invited to join the indoors festivity, adding to the joyous atmosphere. Umamah, though feeling satisfied with her efforts, couldn't help but feel a sense of wanting to add more to the garden, a feeling of incompleteness despite its beauty.

As the day drew to a close, the clock struck four, signaling the end of their indoor celebration. With hearts full of happiness and memories made, the family bid farewell to their guests, cherishing the laughter and merriment of the day.

As they made their way from the garden to the entrance of the main house, an elderly woman suddenly appeared before them, causing everyone to halt in surprise, except for Faisal. The three siblings exchanged bewildered glances before turning their attention back to the woman. Her presence stirred a mix of emotions—tears, excitement, and anxiety—within them, leaving them speechless and frozen in place.

Tears streamed down the woman's face as she stood before them, clutching a basket in her trembling hands. Unable to find her voice, she simply dropped the basket and continued to wring her hands nervously. The children, overcome with shock, struggled to find the right words to express their feelings.

Then, as if on cue, the three siblings uttered in unison, "Mama."

Hearing the children call her, Surayyah took a staggering step forward. She couldn’t stop herself. She had missed her children so much. They were all grown up. It had already been so many years. All she knew was that she wasn’t worthy at all to be a mother. 13 years were no passing time at all. How she had missed them so much that she only wanted to hug them. She started forward until she was right in front of the children.

AbdAllah was the first to break out of the trance. He said again, “Mother?” This time, it was a question AbdAllah had only been an infant when their mother had left. He didn’t know her. However, just seeing the striking resemblance between her and Farid, he knew that this was their mother.

Farid was the second to be out of his trance. His eyes burned red and fevered and then, almost as though he had never been in a trance, he pushed the woman whose hand was raised towards AbdAllah away from them. “Get away from us!” he bellowed. Then, with a serious feeling and anger in his eyes, he questioned, “Who are you and what do you want?”

The woman broke down in tears then. The neighbors had already departed to their own families and homes. However, the house helps were watching. Faisal turned around to talk to the head butler to make sure he saw everyone off to their respective duty posts. Soon, the rest of the crowd dispersed as well, leaving just the mother, children, and son-in-law.

Farid, my son, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Mom is so sorry for abandoning you.”

Fairs scoffed. “You are sorry? Is that all?”

She opened her mouth again to say something, but closed it again. “There’s nothing else I can say.”

“There’s nothing else you can say?” Farid asked. And then, slowly, he turned to Faisal and said, “As expected of a lose woman without morals! She thinks her sorry fixes over a decade of betrayal! Faisal, I don’t want this woman anywhere, near me or my siblings.!”

And without another word, he stomped into the house. AbdAllah didn’t hear that. AbdAllah went towards her again and asked, “Mother?” This time, tears were also rolling down his eyes.

Surayyah began to nod. Yes, yes, AbdAllah. I am your mother. I’m so sorry, son. I’m sorry I left you. You especially have wronged you. You had just been fully weaned off when I left. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

AbdAllah also shoved away from her hand. “Get away!” And then, as though in a daze, he stepped back and stood behind Faisal, who took his slender shoulders, gently. “It’s okay, AbdAllah.” He assured.

Only then did Umamah recover. She looked at the woman through glazed eyes.

“Umamah?” She began. But Umamah raised her hand. “Don’t say a word! And don’t let me see you in around this vicinity again! Surayyah! Get out of my house!” With that, she stomped in, following after her, were AbdAllah and Faisal.

In her room upstairs, Umamah paced, awaiting her husband's arrival. As Faisal entered, she approached him with a single question, "Since when?" Aware of Faisal's past actions, Umamah anticipated his response, knowing he wasn't as surprised as the rest of them.

Faisal hesitated before admitting that he had been in contact with her mother for several months. Umamah's disbelief was palpable as she demanded to know how long he had kept this from her.

Feeling the weight of Umamah's anger, Faisal tried to explain, but she cut him off, her frustration evident. She expressed her disdain for her mother, refusing to acknowledge her as such.

Despite Umamah's anger, Faisal insisted on explaining his actions. He recounted his efforts to locate her mother and free her from an abusive marriage, revealing the challenges he had faced along the way.

Umamah's anger simmered as Faisal finished his explanation. She questioned his motives, asking why he had taken matters into his own hands without consulting them. Faisal acknowledged his actions, but stood by his decision, prompting Umamah to warn him of the consequences. “You did this. I hope you can bear it alone!”

Leaving the room, Umamah encountered AbdAllah, who was visibly shaken by the situation. He was clearly coming to see her. Taking her brother's hand, she offered him comfort and led him back to his room, their bond as siblings providing solace amidst the turmoil.


Let's have your thoughts. Should the children forgive Surayyah?

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