CHAPTER TEN - Hit With a Challenge

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The following week was not an easy one. Umamah had tons of assignments to wrap up.

First off, Faisal had gotten her three personal tutors for Islamiyyah. One for Qur'an and ahadith, one for Seerah, and one for adkaar.

The tutors were easygoing. They were really good at what they taught. She came to that conclusion when she began with the Qur'an this week. It was a very interesting class. The Tajweed sessions were the most intriguing.

All her life, she listened to people recite the Qur'an in such melodious voices and didn't know what hard work went into such perfection. Oh well now that she did, she appreciated them even more.

Secondly, She had to get her proposal into a neat bind by Friday. There was no room for mistakes here. Her nights were spent working on learning more about all the current and prospective investors of FIH and FLNG.

She didn't need to be told that although the company was Faisal's from scratch, it was controlled by many other people behind the curtain. People who had an almost as equal say in the business as Faisal himself. So, if she wanted the approval of this company, she only needed to do one thing- make sure they could not resist either her proposal or presentation.

She knew that beyond impressing the current board of directors and investors with her future plans, she needed to show them even at the presentation what they were out to lose, should they refuse her proposal. She needed to get new investors for the company. She knew how difficult that would be, especially as she does not even work for them yet. And she didn't want to ask Faisal's help.

Since Monday, he would wake up at night if she needed any help. He even told her she didn't have to do it alone. He told her he dropped the challenge and wanted to help her achieve her goals faster, but Umamah wasn't one to give up before even trying.

She was going to do it without his help. That is how he would realize he could depend on her.

To achieve her aim, she was going to have to make a few calls... Actually, a lot of calls. This was the time to utilize her York contacts, and she did. She had already sent out several emails to her friends at the school and she awaited their feedback.

She wasn't a lazy person generally. She was learning well and fast. She had no fear of failure. Open to it, yes, but she did not fear anything.

She spent her weekdays with her mu'allims and she spent her nights working on the proposal. There was barely any sleep for her. good. Because she did not understand how people slept so well for so many hours anyways.

Her phone rang and Carla's ID appeared on her screen. She smiled.

"Hey, girl." She sounded excited.

"O see who the cat dragged in."

She chuckled. "Wait. You know that is supposed to be literal right?" She asked.

"Is it?" Umamah chuckled as well.

"I remember you all the time. Now you know it's been barely a week. I need to chill with family, you know."

"Carla, we both know you are certainly not with family." Umamah teased.

"Hey! Jackson is family!"

"Jackson is your Cousin who... coincidentally also ran away from home." Umamah pointed out. "Yeah, I guess you are both perfect family."

"As perfect as any family can be, you have no idea."

"Yeah, yeah. Hey did you read my email?" Umamah asked, discontinuing Carla's family drama discussion.

"Why'd you think I am calling? Now, before that, I would like to say I am proud of you girl. You went home and immediately got a job? I envy you, girl. Like you got all the trophies. Best graduating student with a wealthy husband, and now... The dream job." She exaggerated the last part.

"Yeah, dream for many. We both know you are not interested in any of that. Now, I do not have a job yet. This will give me the job. So babe, start talking."

"Okay. So let me go through the email again. You need a foreign investor interested in the Energy Sector and one who can travel to Nigeria in a week?"

Umamah nodded and recalling that Carla couldn't see her, she said, "Yes. So, can you find me one?"

"The question should be, sweet Carla, Darling Carla, have you found one yet?" she mock-mimicked Umamah's voice in the last lines.

"Firstly, I do not talk about anything like that. Secondly, you are not sweet. You only called back after a week."

"Because I was busy settling down. Now do you want the news or not?"

"Out with it already!"

"Mr. Anderson and Collin are my Dad's partners, so you know they are Realtors, but most of their investments are in the oil sector. It wasn't easy getting them to listen, so you got to make me proud, Okay?"

"No way girl. I can just... place a call to them?"

"Way, way! That is exactly how Connection works babe. And oh... you cannot flop it. Ace it as you aced your results... even better. Mr. Collin just employed me as his hotel manager."

Her Dad's friend employed her in a company other than her Dad's. Only Rich kids did that.

Carla's father owned the largest share in Yorram Estates. He was an easygoing businessman and wanted his only child to take over his business. Sadly, Carla had other ideas. She wanted to be a Chef and hence, her father's disappointment.

Umamah was almost certain that Mr. Collin's hotel management was going to end Carla up in the hotel's kitchen. The poor man did not know what he was signing up for.

"You drifted again, didn't you? Darn girl, you are always doing this." She did not sound the least bit offended.

"Yeah, I did drift off. I want to talk about your new job, but I am too excited about the investors."

"Traitor!" She said, laughing. "I am emailing their images and contacts to you. The time difference isn't that much anyways, so you can call at your Nigerian convenience.... And there, you have it."

"Thanks, sugar. Now let me first of all, congratulate you on your job. You got a job to work before me, but..."

"Oogah-oogah, wee-woo, wee woo...O, do you hear that? A siren. I think the neighborhood is being robbed... bye!"

Carla hung the phone on Umamah, feigning a siren alarm.

Carla was a good girl and Umamah has long decided to support her in her choice of profession. Given. She had always believed Carla could handle being a CEO better than being a Chef, but Umamah decided not to hassle her anymore. All she was going to ask of her was if Mr. Collin knew about her plans.

She checked her email and immediately, saved the contacts. She would call them tomorrow, In Shaa Allah. At a more godly hour.

She turned back to her computer and proceeded with her research. Reading about Faisal's wealth in a deeper light was an unearthing revelation. If she thought she knew exactly how rich her husband was, she was in for a humbling revelation.

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