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Faisal looked from Mayeesha’s book to her face.  He really didn’t know what to do. And Ya Rabb! He had several meetings to attend in a short while.

Mayeesha saw his confused look and helped him out. “I can stay here while you go about your business” but her voice was resigned, almost dejected.

Yeah right! Faisal thought. And have your “aunt Umamah” have my head. He forced a smile and asked. “Do you want to go into the board room with me?”

Mayeesha’s eyes lit up with excitement. Her round eyes almost budging out of her face. Umamah was right. The kid was skinny. “Then, let’s go. You can…” he gestured toward her papers and pen “...continue whatever you do to keep yourself occupied when you are bored, okay?”

She bobbed her head up and down as she had been accustomed to doing lately. Though Mayprlaeesha was a little over being called a kid, she did act below her age sometimes. He thought.

In the boardroom, the sight of a little girl seated among the adults drew surprised glances. However, no one dared to utter a word. A hushed silence enveloped the room as they all directed their attention to the upcoming meeting. Faisal’s authoritative voice broke the silence, demanding their focus.

“Yes, can we begin, please?” he asserted, and the first presenter commenced. As the man spoke, Faisal found himself not listening. Instead, his curiosity was fixated on the young girl who diligently scribbled notes. He couldn’t help but wonder what she was so engrossed in writing. She seemed to have a deep passion for it, writing since morning without a break.

As he observed Mayeesha, Faisal couldn't help but remember his own childhood experiences. When he was a child, his father would insist on his attendance at board meetings, sometimes even resorting to force. Faisal, then just seven or maybe around nine, Mayeesha ‘s age, would resist vehemently. There were times when he'd cry and weep, occasionally throwing a tantrums outside the meeting room before being reluctantly dragged in.

He marveled at the stark contrast between his own childhood self and Mayeesha. There she was, seated obediently, diligently scribbling on her paper, showing no concern for the discussions among adults yet not being distracted. She was the embodiment of patience and obedience, a far cry from the child he once was.

Then, suddenly, a round of applause filled the entire boardroom, its resonance washing over Faisal, and once more, he realized that he had not heard a single word of the presentation. He couldn’t help but smile at himself; it was the second time such a thing had happened to him. The first time was with Umamah, and now it had occurred again with Mayeesha. Faisal couldn’t help but ponder: what was it about this generation? What was it about this gender that had such a peculiar effect on him, causing him to be easily distracted?

With the presentation now complete, all eyes turned to Faisal, expecting him to open the floor for comments or perhaps deliver one of his signature critiques. However, instead of the anticipated critique, Faisal surprised not only himself but the entire board by flashing a sheepish smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, why don't we take a break? What do you say about a good lunch today or even dinner?" he proposed. "Let's do dinner right here at the office. We can order something in." The room fell into a stunned silence. It had never happened before that Faisal Abdurrahman Adam had suggested having dinner at the office.

Dinner at the office? The whispers began to circulate. Then, Faisal's expression turned serious, and he added, "If you all don't want it, it's okay." But before he could finish the sentence, the board members eagerly jumped at the idea. "We want it, sir!" stammered voices from here and there.

Faisal nodded. "Very well. Let's discuss it further. We can revisit this presentation tomorrow, In Shaa Alla. You're all dismissed."

The board members left, leaving only Faisal and Mayeesha. Curiosity gnawed at Faisal. What had she been writing so fervently on that paper? He stood up and approached her, and as soon as Mayeesha saw her father coming, she hastily covered her paper and looked up at him.

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