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"What? Farid, calm down! Don't do anything stupid!" Farid had just told her that his wife, Anisa, had actually left him. Farid was literally breaking down on the phone, crying. She had never heard Farid's voice so broken. Not even then, when their mother had left them. But then again, they were just children. She had just wrapped up her final exams, and she was already too happy to leave here. When she saw her brother's call, she had thought he was calling to congratulate her and tell her possibly that he would be coming with Faisal and AbdAllah to pick her up. But it wasn't the news. It was the shuddering voice of Farid, informing her that Anisa had left him.

"No, she didn't leave temporarily," his broken voice came from the other end. "She left me. She left me. Why do they always leave? Why do they always leave? Is it me? Do I have a problem?" Farid was literally shattering down on the phone. "But she still left me. She was my wife, Umamah. She left me. I want to find her. I really want to. But then, I want to leave her again. What do I do, Umamah?"

She didn't want to wait any longer. She didn't think she could wait for Faisal to come all the way from Nigeria to pick her up before they go to see her brother. She'd rather just go. After all, they were both in the UK. It was easier for her to see him. "Farid? I will be coming over, okay? Today, No! Right now, just...hang on. Promise me you won't do anything stupid." The way he sounded; he probably could do a lot of stupid things.

"What stupid thing are you talking about, Umamah? You know what? I'm hanging up now"

"Fine, hang up. I'll be on my way." But when she hung up, she'd called Faisal. He didn't answer on the first two rings. So, she dropped him a message. Then she called AbdAllah.

When AbdAllah answered, he said, "I know, I know. I'm with him. But he isn't stopping. He's crying profusely, Umamah. I don't know what to do. I've never seen Farid like this."

"AbdAllah, this is your responsibility now. Stay with him, okay? Just calm him down. I'll be there in the jiffy, In shaa Allah. I'm taking the next bus."

"I know, I heard you the first time. I'm just worried that I won't be able to control Farid. He's literally breaking down here. AlhamduliLlaah that he just wrapped off his law exams What would he have done?"

Umamah wanted to say perhaps the girl actually wanted him to finish his exams before she made her move. But she kept it to herself. "Okay, whatever happens, just stay with him. I am on my way," She hung up.

Umamah was with Farid and AbdAllah that evening when Faisal arrived at York. She received him at the entrance of the private residence. "How is he?" he asked, concern evident in both his voice and expression. She went into his arms. He really was so concerned about her and her family. She knew exactly how lucky she was to have a man like this. He was swift to respond to anything that had her or her siblings written all over it. She made a silent prayer of gratitude to Allah before responding.

"He's fine, really. He's much better now than he was a few hours ago."

"I see," he said. "Let's go in." He took her hand, and they walked into the house where Farid was packing his things in his suitcase as well.. He didn't look in so much a terrible state as Umamah had sounded, or maybe the presence of his sister really did calm him down. "Hey, Assalamualaikum" Faisal greeted, but Farid only raised his head in response.

AbdAllah went to him. "Uncle Faisal, it's been ages. Uncle, Faisal, I think you've got a lot of stubbles," he complained.

"I'm not complaining about that, am I?" Umamah said cheerfully making Faisal grin.

"You heard that? My wife isn't complaining. Who are you to complain, my darling brother-in-law?" AbdAllah raised his hand. "Okay, I was only looking out for you. Your age is already far gone. Better look good before they come trooping in, confusing your wife." He didn't allow them to reply as he quickly said "I'm all packed up. So, we're heading to Harvard from here?"

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