CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE - A Heated Confrontation

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Umamah stared the woman that looked at her down. What was she doing here? Why on earth would she come here and on a weekend at that? Most importantly, why did she have that annoying smirk on her face?

"Aren't you going to invite me in? It's quite rude to keep your guest standing." She sounded like a teacher instructing her primary 2 pupil.

Umamah gave a short laugh, further occupying the entrance, and bringing the door closer so her unwelcomed guest couldn't even peer past the door. A gesture that spoke volumes. "A guest Madame, is a person who is invited to a house. I don't remember asking you over."

"Uuuh! Spikey!" Rasheedah said, grinning. Then she continued. "I will pardon your adolescence for when I lived in this house, you were probably still suckling, I mean, who would blame you, right?"

"Keyword again, Ma'am. Lived. As in, the past." Her tone with the words used was of an emphasis. Rasheedah's smiled wiped off her face and it was Umamah's turn to smirk. "You don't know this, since you are just coming from a dark hole or wherever. But, I will do you the honour of breaking things down. This house isn't the same one you left Rasheedah. It is different. Mended."

"Mended?" She scoffed. "Is that the lie you are selling to yourself? And is that why you are so scared kiddo?"

The woman's sarcasm struck home with Umamah. Was she scared of her? Intimidated or just insecure?

"Faisal is still my husband and my little girl is his daughter." Rasheedah continued. "This" she gestured around the whole house. " still mine to live in... Ah" she paused as if to correct herself. "Ours, to live in. Now, run along and play with your toys or whatever your mates play with. I want to see Faisal."

Her condescending tone and persistent reference to her as a child was beginning to get to Umamah, but Allah calmed her down. Folding her arms and leaning against the door frame, she assessed the woman from head without a word. When she felt her shift uncomfortably, Umamah said ever so low and slowly.

"It's your confidence for me. Where it springs from. The audacity of you to show your hypocritical face here after all you have done to my husband."

The older woman's mixed expression of shock and resistance before it was quickly masked with a feigned resilience did not go unnoticed by Umamah.

"You know nothing of the life I lived with Faisal. You have no right to judge me." She snapped, her anger becoming evident.

Again, Umamah's laugh was short. "Judge you! I have no such need. You give yourself away ma'am." She brought a hand to her chin in a thoughtful gesture. Now, if I were you, I would pull myself as far away from his life as possible, but of course, I am not! Obviously. But I would still advice you, younger sister to an elder, move on with your life. You made him into something he hated. Such men, could never accept you again."

Rasheedah squinted her eyes and then, like a knowing predator, smiled slowly. "Quick to push me way from his life, aren't you? Are you so scared So unsecured?"

"About what exactly?"

"That he will chose me again. Because we share a history you will never understand."

"You mean to say 'a history he would long wish to have forgotten' " Umamah rephrased calmly.

"A history that has bread a beautiful daughter." Rasheedah wasn't giving up. Truthfully, she hadn't expected Umamah to be so big on words.

"Ah! There it is. The true intent of your return." Umamah said, cornering her. "Speaking of little Mayeeshah, where is she now, Ma'am? Did you pass her to a nanny or simply locked her up in a room?"

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