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Umamah was quick on reflex and she pulled Mayeesha up, so that she landed directly on her body. Immediately, Faisal rushed to her, holding her up. For a moment, it looked like the world came crushing down and there was just Umamah in it. “Are you okay?” he asked, clearly worried, checking her over.

Umamah nodded.

Rasheedah finally reached her daughter, Mayeesha. “Mayeesha Are you okay? Oh my goodness! Sofia left this here! She’s so careless!” She said, trying to shift the blame to her sister, who seemed to have visited earlier.

Umamah shook her head again, confirming she was fine. She turned to Mayeesha and inquired, “Are you okay, dear?” her voice came out lower than she had wanted.

“You’re bleeding Aunt Umamah” Mayeesha pointed out. Only then did Umamah notice the cut in her hand. “It’s fine.”

“What do you mean, it’s fine?” Faisal’s eyes turned red with anger as he asked. He was furious. “How dare you!” He roared at Rasheedah, who took a step backwards in horror. The only time she remembered seeing Faisal like this was years back when he was cold and heartless. Literally.

Immediately, Rashida’s eyes quivered. “It was an accident! I didn’t deliberately put the banana peel there!” she wasn’t going to tell them that the house had been in disarray and everything dirty had been shoved under the chair and the kitchen when Faisal had called that they were here.

“You are bleeding, Aunt Umamah. I think you should go to the hospital. Should I come with?” Mayeesha offered.

Umamah declined, saying, “It’s okay. It’s just a scratch.”

Faisal was furious. “Don’t you dare say it’s just a scratch!” He examined the wound again, and without warning, he picked Umamah up.

Umamah felt slightly embarrassed. The look of disgust, envy, fear, and fury on Rashida’s face did not escape her though. Faisal looked at the banana peel on the floor and then turned back to Rasheedah.

“For your sake, let’s hope this is not a big deal”

Although Rasheedah was terrified of Faisal, a mischievous idea suddenly crossed her mind. She quivered and her lips twitched as she considered her plan. Dizzily, she began to shake, tears falling from her eyes.

She thought, Let’s see how you get out of this without earning your daughter’s hatred, Faisal. “It was just a banana peel. I couldn’t have done that to Umamah deliberately. Even if I wanted to, would I want to hurt my baby? How could I want to hurt anyone?”

Seeing her mother trembling and fearful, Mayeesha rushed to her. “Mommy, it’s okay,” she said reassuringly. Then she turned to her father and said,, concerned edged around her beautiful young face, “Dad, Mommy’s sorry. I’m sure it wasn’t deliberate.”

Faisal looked at Rasheeda and then at his daughter. His expression almost softened as he saw the concern and worry on Mayeeha’s face but then, he the looked down and saw the blood continuing to flow from Umamah’s hand. Without another word, he stormed out of the house and drove straight to the hospital.

Almost an hour later, Umamah sat across from Faisal, who seemed quite distant. The doctors had attended to her, casting her injured hand. It hadn’t been a severe injury, but the doctor had advised her to rest for a few days for a few days.

Umamah observed Faisal’s silence. He hadn’t looked at her since the accident or during their drive to the hospital. He appeared shaken and angry. She wondered if he was upset with her. She began to say something, but just then, the door to the private ward opened, and the familiar face of an elderly man peered in before he strolled towards them, wearing a smile.

The doctor said, “What are you still doing seated here?”
Faisal’s smile was awry as he thanked Dr. Mahmood and assisted Umamah back to her feet. He helped her downstairs and into the car, but his thoughts seemed far away.

Faisal was filled with questions and emotions. The incident, made him realize how close they were to a potential disaster. He thought about his daughter. She might not have sustained any physical injury, but what about…  He beat himself about being a bad parent he had been so concerned about Umamah that he hadn’t waited to see Mayeesha.

Umamah read his thoughts for the first time and said comfortingly, “you can send a doctor to check on her now. Bone injuries are not to be played with”
Her words were a suiting balm to his chaotic thoughts, but he found he still couldn’t say a thing  “hm” was his only reply as he drove on.  He would have her checked by later, an orthopedic later as she suggested.

As he drove in silence, Faisal finally turned to Umamah and apologized for his silence. He confessed that she made him worry, and he acknowledged his attachment to her. In the end, he said “you maje me worry, Ummie”

Umamah understood the truth in his words and remained quiet, not wanting to add to his concerns. Carefully, she placed her head on his shoulder, gently, to reassure him. She said, “I’m fine, Alhamdulillah. Mayeesha will be fine.”

Her words somehow suited him this time. Faisal felt calmer than before, resolute. These two women, Umamah and Mayeesha, tested his resolve, and he wasn’t prepared to lose either of them, nor was he willing to let them come to harm.

Upon their return home., Faisal observed Umamah from the driver seat. She had fallen asleep with her head resting on his shoulder. He couldn’t comprehend how she could sleep so peacefully while his heart was in turmoil. The smile that crept up his lip couldn’t have been avoided. He gently carried her out of the car, opening the door for her, and carefully placed her in bed, tucking her under the covers. They were all fine, In shaa Allah.

Faisal then took out his phone called Dr. Mahmood. After series if questions and answers session about Rasheedah and when she returned, the old man finally agreed that an orthopedic would be sent to Rasheeda’s house to check on Mayeesha. It had been a house accident, and Faisal realized that if Rasheedah could be this careless with even banana pills, many things could go wrong with his daughter under her roof. Suddenly, he vegan to see Umamah’,s fear.

At that moment, he made a decision. He was going to take Mayeesha away from Rasheedah, even before the legal issues were resolved.

That week was filled with fatigue and boredom for Umamah. She was still recovering from her injuries and hadn't been allowed to return to work yet. Being cooped up at home, waiting for Faisal to come back, wasn't the life she desired. However, she found solace in having time to contemplate various matters, such as the call she had received from her brother that morning.

Farid had informed her that he intended to marry Anisa before the month's end. The month was already halfway through, and the wedding was scheduled in just two weeks. Umamah couldn't comprehend Farid's rush. She had questioned him about it, but he had snapped, accusing her of not sharing every detail of her own life with him either, like when she didn't tell him that Faisal had an ex-wife and a dadaughter

Although she felt hurt by his words, Umamah realized that Farid, like a brother, desired to be informed about her life, especially the dangers. It was his protective instincts and the only way he knew how to show it was counteract.

Putting aside her distressing thoughts, she shifted her focus back to the current issue. Her younger brother wanted to marry Anisa in just two weeks, though a good deed, she wasn't convinced that it was what a 16 and 17-year-old should be focused on doing. They were both still kids.

She understood that she herself had married Faisal at 16, and some people might still consider her a child even now. However, Faisal was much more mature than she is was and handled their relationship well. He hadn't even touched her until recently. She hoped her brother would understand this.

Umamah patiently awaited Faisal's return to discuss this matter openly. She was aware that her brother would have already informed him about it, and she was eager to see whose side Faisal would take in this situation.

Yes, Faisal was the only one who Farid listened to. He would talk some sense into her thoughtless brother.

With that thought, she donned her jilbab and headed to the garden with her books. Her Mu’allimah was on her way already.


Sorry I couldn't make the post yesterday guys. I had several deadlines.🌹

Umm Najm✨

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