CHAPTER -FORTY - SEVEN - A Gladdened Return.

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“The Dean called.” Faisal announced as they packed for their return to Nigeria.

Umamah stopped in her tracks. She had been folding a jacket into her box. “I am not returning to York” she said instantly.

Faisal sighed. “I know you said that, but they will not take no for an answer so easily. You were their best graduating student of the year...”

Umamah grinned and decided it was time to break the news to Faisal. Earlier that morning, she had received a congratulatory message from Havard. She knew he didn’t know of her hidden applications, so she said slowly… “Why York when I could choose Havard?”

It was Faisal’s turn to pause in his actions. “You… you are…”

Umamah grinned, enjoying his dumbfounded expression and loss for words. “Yes, I mean it. I didn’t tell you about it, because I wanted to be accepted first. Besides, I am pleased I finally did something of my own strength.” It was true. She needed to know that she could get in with her own abilities into the best University in the UK.

Faisal walked around the bed and took her into his arms from the back. “I am so proud of you, my Ummie. But just so you know, if I had known you were applying to Harvard, I certainly would have supported you, knowing you would get in.”

Of course he would. Allah knows that even if Faisal knew it wasn’t possible, he would still try to pull some strings for her there.
“I guess this calls for some celebration.” He chided, then said, “BarakAllaahu feeki Ummie.”

“Aameen, wa Feek.” she said and the heavy weight of what she hadn’t told him yet settled in her. Just as she began to say “Faisal…”, he pulled away and returned to his folding.

If we do not intent to spend another night here, we just hurry.”

And like that, the words died down her throat. What did it matter, anyways? She didn’t believe AbdulHameed at all. She could just pretend like last night never happened. Right? She only had a month with her husband before resumption and she did not want to waste it on insignificant issues.

“Earth to Umamah.” Faisal’s deep voice intruded her reverie. “What has you so wrapped in thoughts?”

She shook her head and settled for a partial truth. “I was thinking that I had just one month before I leave, In shaa Allah. How do you intend to make this a memorable month for me?"
He grinned. “Harvard is just a few hours away Hun. I will visit you every week, In shaa Allah.” He promised. If she thought he was going to let her schooling affect them, she had another think coming.

“It will not be the same. I would have to wait for 5-7 days to see you. And worse, you will always be on the road for me… It’s scary and it’s simply not the same.” Her voice was almost dejected, so he teased.

“So? Does someone want to choose a school in Nigeria? There is Base just a stone throw from home…”

“Don’t you even dare!” she warned and he threw his head backwards in a deep laughter.

“Then, you will be fine. It’s just a year darling. ”

Suddenly, Umamah felt angry. Didn’t he understand her at all? He said it as though its just a week. Wasn’t he going to miss her as much?

As if reading her thoughts, Faisal said, ”I am going to miss you so much, Ummie.  I just hope that this year will pass quickly.”

She simply shrugged and went on with her packing. If he wasn’t going to miss her as much as she was going to miss him, then it was fine. She wasn’t going to bring this up again.

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