CHAPTER TWELVE - And He Guides As He Wishes

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"Can you tell me the most prominent rule we have learnt in the verses we just recited?”Mu’allim Abbas asked.
“It is Nunun sakina wa tanween. To be specific, Ingham bi gunna."

“Tayyib. Tomorrow In Shaa Allah, we will take Iqlab. Do you think you can recite Surah al Humazah without errors tomorrow?”

“In Shaa Allah.” Umamah replied with confidence. Farid has been teaching her the vowels and their application.

“Where did we stop in our Haqq al mubin?” The elderly man asked.

“Al-hadith ul- thaamin.” She supplied, dropping her Qur'an and picking up her selected a ahadith book.

“I believe it's your turn, Umamah?”

Umamah closed the book of ahadity and delivered it from her head.

"On the authority of Abdullaah ibn mas’ud (May Allah be pleasedwith him.)“ who said the prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), said, "Abusing a Muslim is Fusuq (an evil doing) and killing him is Kufr (disbelief)"

“Ma Shaa Allah. You recall that to harm a muslim in anyway is likend to kufur. So what a believer does is to always do his best to protect his brother in all ways. And that includes preventing a harm, though not caused by him from getting to his brother."

“Na’am. But Ustadh, does this apply to backbiting or gossiping about him?”

“Na’am. Because, even if it is true, he will be hurt because it's not ordinarily something he wiuld be pleased to hear. That is why you didn’t say it in his presence in the first place, right? In another hadith and we will soon come to it, In Shaa Allah, the Prophet likened backbiting to eating the flesh of your brother.”

Umamah’s heart skipped a bit. “Do you mean, the raw flesh?”

“Yes. If you eat the flesh of a person, wouldn’t that harm them?”

“AstahfiruLlah.” She said, this king about all the times she had backbitten.

“We will take the next hadith. I see your Akhaar and Seerah Teacher will be here any moment.”


“The next hadith was narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas, May Allah be pleased with him. 'Man baddala dinnuh faqatuluhu.'

This is slightly complicated and I will need to explain to you in details.

“Na’am.” Umamah folded get arms on her legs, paying wrapped attention.

“The hadith says that whoever leaves the religion should be killed.”

“The religion. You mean… Islam Ya Ustadh?”

“Na’am. Islam. This is called Ridaa’. Apostacy. But it is more intricate than you think.”

“Okay, Ustadh.” Umamah said keenly.

“A person can apostate with either his words, like Insulting Allah and His Messenger. (Peace be upon him), Or in belief like associating partners with Allah, or denying some of His attributes.

Aperson can also apostate by way of actions, like throwing the Qur’an in a filthy place or burning it, or drawing cartoons of the Prophet and teling people that this is what he looks like, and we seek Allah's refuge from such.”


“A person can apostate by omitting to do all the Ibadat prescribed upon him. Like Salat, Fasting, Hajj when he has can and the likes, for no just cause. He doesn’t do it because he doesn't want to. Simplicita!”

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