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Umamah’s eyes shot dagger glares Farid as she demanded an explanation. She was visibly angry and expecting answers from her brother. Farid, in this moment, found himself under the intense scrutiny of his sister, and he hoped Faisal would come to his aid.

Farid was generally confident around Umamah, even with her occasional temperamental nature, and he’d never felt the need to be wary of her. But something had changed, and her anger and determination to understand the situation had him taken aback.

Stuttering, Farid began to explain, “Um, it was all part of the plan. If Anisa’s soon-to-be husband doesn’t appear at the wedding, but just sends two and a relatives and lots of gift, it would make him look like a ruthless man who only wants to buy Anisa with money. That way, the family would be glad to give her out, thinking she’s not really going to be in a happy marriage. But imagine if I was there, they’d see that I’m a young man with so much support. They might have hesitated. This was my plan and Anisa’s from the very beginning. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Umamah’s eyes twitched with disbelief, and she was clearly taken aback by this revelation. “And it didn’t occur to you to tell me about it? I don’t get it,” she expressed her astonishment, feeling like she had been kept in the dark. “Why would you guys keep me in the dark? I thought we were in this together. Just imagine how I felt with all the revelation.”

Faisal, who had been on his way out of the room to answer a call, halted as he heard Umamah’s ice cold voice, “Stop right there!”  He paused, glancing from his ringing phone to Umamah. He couldn’t help but think, “I thought we were already done.”

Farid took the opportunity to escape to the next room where his wife was waiting.

Farid tapped on the door twice, and a small, but resolute voice responded from within, “Yes?” Farid greeted, “As-salamu alaykum.” Anisa replied, “Wa alaykumus-salam. Yes, you can come in.” When Fareed entered the room, he found his new bride busy on her computer, working on a design. She greeted him, saying, “Well, I figured since you know who I am, you could also have the privilege of seeing some of my work.”

Farid was a bit surprised by her composed demeanor, considering everything that had transpired at her family’s home. They were still her family, and she had lived with them for a long time. He had thought she would be very sad and heartbroken. But she looked back at him with her still fully niqabbed face and becned him to come watch her work.

As he looked at her screen, a little blue and yellow butterfly perched on the top of roof, clearly ready to fly. He asked gently. ”Is this you?” Anisa replied with a sense of deep reflection, “Sometimes life is just like this, you know? You want to be free, and you got it. Now the world is too vast for you.” Farid pondered how he could help ease her troubles.

Farid gazed from the computer screen to Anissa’s veiled face, curious about what she looked like underneath. He had imagined various possibilities, and he couldn’t help but wonder when she might unveil herself for him to see.

Anisa noticed his scrutiny and furrowed her brow, wondering about his thoughts. She closed her computer and turned to him, suggesting, “Hey, um, I think we should talk.”

Farid nodded, and they both took seats on the bed. Anisa began, “Thank you for everything.”

Suddenly, Farid's heart skipped a beat. He knew what she was about to say, and he was afraid to hear it, despite agreeing to help her and set her free. His feelings for her went beyond mere assistance. He genuinely liked her and had been a fan of her work from the first day he encountered it. However, he also realized that when he finally connected with her and she confided in him about her troubles, he wanted to assist her, but he didn't want to help her just to lose her from his life entirely.

Before Anissa could begin, Farid spoke. “Anissa, hold on. I know we agreed that I would just help you, but I want you to know that this goes beyond our arrangement. I genuinely like you, and while we’re both young with lives ahead of us, I want to be there for you. I’ll focus on my law studies, become someone you would be proud of and who can stand beside you in the future, and reclaim everything that was taken from you. I want to stand by your side as you thrive. I won’t pester you right now, untill we are both mature enough to understand what marriage is about. But please….don’t push me away.”

Anisa was deeply moved by Farid’s words. This was the first time she felt truly needed in someone’s life. She had always been aware of her looks and how her family had tried to use that against her. They would ask all go out on a family dinner just to have men come after her. At some point, she felt they did t mind if she was ruined. So she began wearing the niqab before fully embracing the pristine Islam. Meeting Farid online, chatting with him for years, he had become the friend she never had. When he had offered her his help after hearing what her family intended this time, she had been too happy to take it. And thanks in part to his sister and brother-in-law’s support, everything had worked smoothly. She was free, at last...

However, she couldn’t hold him back or limit his bright future for her sake. He was a young man with a very bright future. The negativities of her life shouldn’t be shoved down his throat. They must now follow their Initial arrangements.

With a sigh, she began, “Farid, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, and I know you care deeply. But you are young…”

“So are you.” Farid interjected.

“You have your entire future ahead of you…”

“So do you”

“You deserve better…”

“Funny Anisa. I was thinking the exact thing about you. Who am I? You deserve better for a husband. That’s why prifessiinm going to work hard. From today, besides my father, you are the reason I want to make it”

Anisa couldn't comprehend Farid's intentions. Was he being unreasonable? Did he even realize what he was saying? Her anxiety and confusion led her to pace around the room. She couldn't fathom how Farid was willing to devote his life to a woman he hardly knew.

Suddenly, Anisa stood up, her frustration evident. "You can't just give your life away like that to a woman you don't know anything about. Other than my profession and the unfortunate family I was bred, you know nothing about me.” she admonished.

Farid, who was also on his feet, towering over her with his 6-foot height, gently placed a hand on her shoulder. He hesitated for a moment and then moved his hands up and down her arms. When she didn’t pull away, he tentatively brought his right hand to just beneath her chin and slowly, as if giving her the time to stop him, he raised there niqab.

His breath caught in his chest. She was an utterly stunning girl. With face chiseled like an ancient antique. She had a high pointed nose and almond shaped eyes. Her skin was a porcelain cream white and her lips… In Farid’s eye, only Umamah came close to her beauty. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.

Anisa knew what he was thinking. She recognized what it meant for men to lust after her beauty. She had dinner the burqah because of that initially. But this was the first time she had someone whom she actually wanted to appreciate her looks saying at her. She didn’t want to look into his eyes for fear that she all her resolve would melt like ice. But then, his voice came in, intruding her thoughts, this time, firmer.

"Don't you dare think for a moment that I'll let you go, Anisa," Farid declared with unwavering determination. "By Allah, I will protect you with my life. I will be your husband."

Anisa's emotions were in turmoil. There was something about this man, something about Farid, that had made her feel comfortable from the day they started chatting. She hadn't hesitated to reveal her identity to him, especially after realizing he admired her work. Now, married to him, she didn't want to hide from him, despite her fears about the uncertain future.

Did she dare? To dream of a future with Farid Sulaym?



Umm Najm ✨

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