CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR- Mission Accomplished

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Faisal closed the file before him. "This is a great job guys. BarakAllaahu feekum. Now, I will not sign this, until the Human Resource says so. You know what to do."

The men were grinning from ear to ear as they took the document back from their boss. It wasn't easy to impress him.

"Aameen. Wa feeka barakAllah, Sir. Thank you.." Their leader responded, but didn't move.

Faisal raised a brow, believing he had ended their meeting. "Do you have something else to say?" His voice was the calm tone of an understanding and patient Boss.

"Uhh... Yes Sir." The man said, scratching the middle of his head.

"My team and I were ...wondering if it's... I mean, we know it might sound a little too presumptuous but we had spent the last three days and nights in the office and... Just wondering... If it's possible to take the rest of the day of." He said, but quickly added. "We will completely understand if it cannot be done of course."

"Do you have an understudy team in place?" Faisal asked, picking a pen and a paper.

"Yes, Sir. They have been here for over a year now, and they have actually not been up to much..."

"Take the week off. Everyone from the main team."

The men looked from one to the other. They couldn't believe their ears.

"Sir?" The team leader asked, needing confirmation.

Faisal picked a pen and scribbled down on a quick note and passed the it to the stil awestruck man. "Give it to the head of your department. See you exactly on the 1st, In Shaa Allah."

The man took the paper with excitement and the entire team began to send their gratitude.

After a while, they were still Standing there.

"Is there something else? Faisal asked.

"Sir... Our salaries..." The man stammered. Now that he was sure their Boss was actually giving them a week's break, he needed to be sure their salaries would not be affected in any way.

"...are intact. Please, Mr. Abdullaah. Shut the door on your way out." Faisal said.

The men quickly said their gratitudes once again and rushed out the door, in fear that their boss might change his mind.

Umamah met them on her way in. They greeted her and she caught in on their praises for her husband.

She was smiling when she walked into his office.

"Assalaam'alaykum Mr. Kind.."

Faisal looked from his screen to his wife.

"Wa'alaykumussalaam wa RahmatuLlaah Madam Kind." Whatever that meant, he just played along letting his mood lighten better at the sight of his woman.

She passed a document to him. "So, you gave them a week off?"

"How did you know?"

"Come-on! They were practically singing your praises as they walked left. Anyone with ears would hear them."

Faisal blushed, lowering his head. "I didn't think that would excited them that much. Just that they have been working for three weeks and they met the deadline."

"Wow! Such a sweet boss." Umamah cooed, taking a seat opposite him.
"People praise me for being the reason for your softness towards them, you know?"

He looked up then settled better in his chair and appraised his wife.

"Do they? And what do you think?"

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