CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE - An Audacious Truth

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The stranger blinked rapidly and went into Faisal's arms. It was both the audacity and lack of manners for Umamah.

"We have been waiting for so long we were so lucky you never changed the old passcode to the house." The woman cooed in a sultry voice. She was roughly close to Faisal's age.

"Hi. I am Mayeesha." The little girl of approximately 9years greeted. Umamah didn't want to believe what was happening before her eyes. It was like an MNet Romance Fiction playing before her.

A woman clad in jean trouser and a T-shirt was in her house and in fact, in her still very shocked husband's arms. But that wasn't the highlight of the day. It was the little girl. Mayeesha. She looked at Umamah with such innocence. Her strickling resemblance with Faisal could never be confused.

She knew and understood without a doubt. This was Faisal's daughter. It had to be since he had no siblings or Cousins or so. And the woman?

"Will you tell me who you are?" The girl asked. Her voice had the confidence of an adult.

Before Umamah could say a word, the older woman replied, pulling the girl to her and going on her knee to be her height. "Sweetheart, come here. What did Mummy promise you?"

The little girl gave a confused shrug and then her mother smiled. "You cannot forget such crucial things, okay? This is your..."

"Don't you dare to say the word!" Faisal's death threatening voice came from behind them all. He clearly overcame the shock.

The unmistakable fear and intimidation in the woman made her take frightened steps backwards.

Umamah looked up at Faisal and their gazes clashed. His expression immediately turning soft. His eyes held pleas and worry in them.

Whatever was happening, Umamah wasn't sure she could process it all yet. But she was ready to wait. Faisal wasn't married. He didn't have a wife. His two wives died and were buried long before their marriage. So who was this woman? And how did she know of a passcode they changed together?

"I know we have a lot to discuss, and I am ready to atone for it all, but Mayeesha... Mayeesha wanted to see her..."

"Get Out!" His voice was cold, calm, but the woman shivered in fear.

Why had Umamah never feared Faisal like that? Why had he never used that tone with her?

By now, the little girl took a step backwards as well, standing behind Umamah. Somehow, she preferred the stranger's protection to her mother's.

"Please Faisal... I know I am in breach of our agreement... but..."

Faisal gave her the deadliest glare Umamah had ever seen. The woman swallowed her words and pulled on to her daughter.

"I am here, Fai. And I will stay this time. I was young and I made a lot of childish mistakes, but I will not give up. This is my home as well." She walked to one of the couches and picked her handbag and, visibly shaking, she dragged her daughter along.

The girl gave Umamah a look she didn't comprehend, but she was too engrossed in her own doubts and worries to think about a girl she just met

Umamah did not know what to make of the drama that just played before her. She picked up her box and dragged it up the stairs. Faisal followed.

When they were at the flight of stairs, it was as though she was in a scuffle with the box. Faisal tried to take it from her, but she resisted his help. He was stronger, so he won the mini war.

She took the stairs two at a time and in no time was in the room. She began pacing the room until he arrived. The thoughts that swarmed her head were not ones she could control.

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