CHAPTER FORTY- Still Got a Day

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Umamah's preparations had been a labor of love. She had cleaned the entire house, made Jollof rice (Mayeesha's favorite), and set the table. Even non-alcoholic grapefruit wine and fruit juice were brought out just in case. The decorations were meticulously arranged, featuring beautiful white, gold, blue, and red colors.

Umamah was putting the finishing touches on the decoration when she heard Faisal's car horn. Excitement welled up in her, and she waited with her arms open.

Faisal opened the door, and as soon as it did, Mayeesha ran into Umamah's arms. She embraced the little girl with joy, saying, "Look who's here! Our young writer." Mayeesha chuckled, responding, "Wa alaikum assalam, Umamah. The doctor says to come back in two days for the results." She reported the outcome of their hospital visit.

Umamah, curious, glanced at Faisal, who stood nearby with folded arms. "Okay," she replied. He then playfully remarked, "Great, Mayeesha is here, and no one recognizes me. How's that?"

At that, Umamah chuckled and turned to her husband. She embraced him and planted a peck on his cheek. "Come, let's head to the dinning room" she suggested. Mayeesha, still admiring the décor on the wall, exclaimed, "Wow, Aunt Umamah, this is a warm welcome. Thank you so much."

Umamah who was already dishing food to her husband called out to the girl. "Come on, Mayeesh. I've prepared your favorite." Excited, the girl followed them into the dining room.

After a satisfying lunch, the three of them decided to visit the park. Mayeesha wasn't particularly interested in playing there. Instead, she had her own private corner where she loved to write her stories. Faisal seized the opportunity to enjoy some quality time with Umamah. They savored the moment of just being together outdoors, free from the weight of any pressing concerns.

At some point, Umamah wanted to discuss the preparations for the wedding, but Faisal brushed it aside, saying, "later, honey, later. In shaa Allah." His lazy voice as he placed a head on Umamah's thigh almost made her chuckle

Umamah pointed out, trying to act bothered. "We only have three days, Faisal."

"Yeah, and you've practically filled a room with everything you can lay your hands on. What could possibly be left? Bankrupting me?" he teased with his eyes closed.

Umamah smiled, reminding him, "You bought almost everything yourself remember? Besides, the other time, you gave me a card and said, 'Do whatever you wish with it' you ate lucky, it's only my sister-in-law only I have been thinking about."

Faisal grinned and opened his eyes. Only her sister-in-law, indeed, she had shopped for clothings for Mayeesha and lots of book ideas. She had asked a web designer to create a website for the girl to post her works and invite people to read. She had even hired a website and social media manager to handle all of Mayeesha's accounts.

He came to his feet and pulled her closer to him in a light hug, and then, gave her a playful kiss on her long pointed nose. "Yes, yes, do as you please. Remind me later, I have got a surprise for you"

Umamah 's first expression was excitement. "Really? What is it?"

He tapped her nose in the way he liked so much making her squeeze it a bit and said "It wouldn't be a surprise now if I tell you, would it?"

She guessed he was right, but she couldn't help but wonder why every time she bought something for Faisal, he felt the need to reciprocate. It wasn't something she particularly liked, but she was excited to know what he had gotten for her.

When they returned Mayeesha to Rasheedah's gate and the girl gave both Umamah and her father a kiss, they headed home. The ride back home was quiet. She was tense with expectations of Faisal 's surprise for her.

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