CHAPTER EIGHT - An Interesting Overturn

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Assalaam'alaykum everyone. I hope your week has been great. Okay, It's a great Saturday from Umamah and Faisal. The transformations in this Chapter were intense, leaving us with a cliff hanger. As usual, your thoughts gives me drive. So do send them in, like and vote.

I leave you in the Care of Allah. 🌺 🌹 🌺🌹

Umamah found Faisal reclined over the fence at the balcony. He was still on the call. It was the first time she was coming to this part of the house, and she must once again, appreciate the fact that it was a wide expanse of land.

She could already imagine what she could do with the place. A rest area and a cottage. Nothing too fancy. She would plant some flowers and vegetables here, and she could retire to the spot after a day's exercise. Yes, she should be returning to her exercises soon.

The thoughts alone sounded freshening. She closed her eyes and breathed in the cool breeze. It was a welcoming thought and feeling.

Faisal turned towards her then and stopped his call for a moment. She was beautiful, and delicate. She wore a white morning dress and she had her hair wrapped in a sun yellow scarf. She was breathing in the air of the empty space. At the moment, she looked different. she looked Nineteen.

She opened her eyes and he quickly returned to the call.

"I want you to understand that our agreement was simple. If you wanted to review it, you should have done so with my consent. Now your breach has cost us more damages than we anticipate Mr Flosson. Do expect to hear from my lawyers. Peace be upon you."

When he dropped the call, Umamah was standing just behind him.

"How much loss?" Was her first question.

He looked at her in confusion

"His breach caused how much loss to your company?" She asked more explicitly.

"A little." He replied simply.

Why look so bothered if it were just a little? she thought.

"Are we going bankrupt?"

She surprised him with that question. So, much so that it had him cracked him up. Faisal laughed. The kind of laughter you give when an ignorant person asks you a question. Then he folded his arm across his chest.

"Not much enough for it to count, Umamah."

"Ummie" She corrected.

Again, Faisal looked at her in question.

"It's more informal..." She explained. "Every close person calls me that."

His smile disappeared almost immediately. It was as though she had uttered the wrong lines.

"So, if it doesn't count much, why sue him?" She asked, willing her mind to return to the train of conversation.

"Because he is in breach of our agreement. And to deter others from a repeat. "He responded simply and while Umamah was trying to have that sink, he asked; "Does he, also?"

Umamah was in a state of confusion as to what he was asking.

"Ummie. Does he also call you that?"

Knowing who he is, she nodded, and immediately regretted she did. Faisal's expression darkened.

He turned away from her then. Bringing up his phone which was ringing again. "You should get back inside. It's quite windy. I think it might rain." He was dismissive.

"I can take the cold. If you are going to remain here, so will I." She insisted.

Faisal looked down at Umamah. She reminded him of the kid he used to know was his friend's daughter. Stubborn, never afraid to say her mind.

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